Always by Moonlight Chapter 2

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We went off into the woods and started making out. " I want you so much babe", he said running a hand through my hair. " Then take what you want", I whispered in his ear. He started kissing me on the neck and I moaned with pleasure as he pushed against me. " Leslie Collins", a voice said. " Hey Ian stop for a sec okay", I sighed. " Okay I'll see you later", he said kissing me once more. " See you there", I said coolly. " Who are you?", I asked crossing my arms. " Bane Winston and who are?", he asked walking closer. My instincts were alarming me that this was a vampire but I kept my face straight. " Amanda why aren't you at school?", Harry scolded walking into the clearing. " Sorry Harry it was the perfect opportunity", I said leaning against the tree. " Vampire", I mouthed and he nodded. " Harry Darwin", Bane asked. " The one and only hey Kat what are you doing here", I said as Kat came skipping in. " She's with me", Damien said giving me a look as if to say what have you done now. I shrugged and kissed Kat on the cheek as she hugged me but kept my eyes on Bane. " I thought there were only three Darwin offspring", Bane asked.

" You heard wrong", Harry said defensively putting an arm protectively around me. " Really because she looks an awful lot like this girl", he said passing me a photo. I looked down at the redhead she was me I could tell except she was around five. " Amy is that you?", Kat said ripping it away. " I don't know", I said frustrated. " I thought you said you couldn't remember back then", Damien asked quietly. " I don't could you shut up for two seconds", I said running a hand through my hair. " Wolf girl you okay", Harry asked. " The girl in that photo belongs to my dad her name was Leslie", Bane said calmly. " See what's the problem Winston she doesn't really have a name", Damien hissed. " That's because my father made it that way so the girls couldn't tattle", Bane explained. " Typical Winstons", Damien sighed. " You know them", I said caught off guard. " Vampire scientists testing humans", Damien said disgusted. I automatically went to my neck where there were faint scars and bite marks. " That's what I thought now come quietly and my father will forgive you", Bane offered. " I don't give a damn about his forgiveness", I said walking forward. " You should be you're in big trouble for running away", Bane said annoyed.

" You know you and your father can go to hell", I said nastily. " Amanda", Harry said. " If I have to take you by force I will and no one will stop me", Bane said walking closer.

" Oh really", I said getting even closer. " You cant fight me girl so just get moving I don't have forever", he said impatiently. " Watch me", I said starting to shake. " Bad idea", Damien said holding me back. " Why not?", I hissed. " What's going on?", Kat asked. " Your friend here is coming with me aren't you Leslie", Bane said looking into my eyes. His pupils dilated but I didn't feel any difference he was still the same asshole to me.

" Actually I'm not", I said eyes narrowed. " Harry take Kat home", Damien said slowly. " Okay you going to be okay Mandy", Harry asked. " I'm so grounded", I said mostly to myself. " You've got that right", Damien snorted. " Sorry Darwin but she isn't part of your pack so get lost", Bane laughed. " Wait don't you know", I said thoughtfully. " Know what?", he said now confused. " Amanda is part of our pack", Damien explained. I smiled proudly and Bane just looked more confused. " That's impossible her last name is Collins", he said shaking his head. " I'm adopted", I said cheerfully. " So just because the Darwins adopted you doesn't mean you're part of the pack you're still just a girl", he shrugged. " Can I take him now", I whined. " Be my guest", Damien said getting out of my way.

" What are you doing?", Bane asked hesitantly. " What do you think I'm doing", I asked pulling my hair down, " see Bane I don't like it when people insult my family and I really don't like people busying me around", I said circling him. " What's going on Leslie?", he asked angrily. " Its Amanda", I said then let my anger rein and in a flash I was lower to the ground. I felt Damien's mind join mine as we circled Bane in wolf form.

" You won't hurt me", he said shaking his head. " Don't kill him", Damien thought. " Where's the fun in that", I thought sarcastically then showed my teeth and attacked him pinning him to the ground. Damien scratched Bane's pretty face up then I let him run. " Come on trouble his guys will be here soon", Damien said turning around. " Fine whatever", I said following him. Oh and by the way Damien and Harry both had midnight black hair so they were black well Damien was black Harry was sorta gray. I was reddish brown and half as large as Damien but I knew how to fight using my opponent's strength against them. I could see Damien's crystal blue eyes scanning the area for vampires.

" Are vampires always that stupid?", I thought as we walked along.

" Amanda you should be more careful", he warned. " Why?", I thought lazily. " Where on earth are you going?", he asked as I walked off. " That guy knows about my past I'm going after him", I said heading off.

" Amanda", he said following me. " Don't try and stop me Damien", I snapped. " Would you stop and think for once", he said angrily. " Not a chance", I said picking up speed. " Okay either stop or I'll make you stop", he ordered. I didn't answer I just quickened my pace. Suddenly Damien was in front of me blocking my way. " Get out of my way", I said starting to circle around him. " No you're not running off alone while mom and dad are gone I won't allow it", he said firmly. " Why not they're not my parents I'm just some girl you guys were stuck with", I thought harshly. " So this is our thanks we take care of you then you run off and get yourself killed", he thought nastily. " I'm not getting myself killed I'm better off alone", I thought sliding past him. " Tell that to Kat and Harry", he thought, " you remember them don't you you're not family the ones that protected you Harry thinks of you as his best friend Kat can't sleep unless you tell her a story will you leave them".

It took a second for me to think it through I knew he was right taking off was stupid and immature. " Fine I'll go but I want to know more about the Winstons in exchange", I warned. " Deal", he said then as we were walking he added, " by the way you're grounded". " Jerk", I said speeding up. " Race ya", he asked. " See you at home", I winked then we both took off into a run. He beat me by a milo second and I went inside and into my room while he did a victory dance. I turned back and changed into a black cotton dress and a red hoodie. I laid down against my bed and almost immediately fell asleep. I woke up at dinner time and went to eat. " Hey troublemaker how was your nap", Harry asked. " I've had better", I shrugged.

" By the way I asked Eve to the dance and she said yes", Harry said proudly. " Doesn't matter you're not going", Damien said calmly. " What?", all three of us said. " Its too dangerous for you two to go", Damien explained calculatingly. " Okay what if I stay here with Kat and you take Harry and Eve you can call every few minutes and we'll answer and I'll text you if there's a problem", I said defiantly. " Fine but I'm driving and I refuse to listen to Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift got it?", Damien snapped. " No bieber got it now lets go I promised I would be there by five", Harry said putting his coat on. " Have fun both of you", I said waving. Damien glared at me but I just stuck my tongue out at him.

That night after we'd fallen asleep I heard a noise but I didn't wake up I just listened. Suddenly someone touched my forehead. Images started flashing and I was sucked into a nightmare. I writhed and kicked and hit anything that tried to touch I was so scared everything in this place was here to hurt me. I was in a white room and Whytt Winston was cutting my neck to taste my blood for the first time I saw Bane and his younger brother, Aidan nearby watching smug grins on their faces. I felt a knife pierced near my heart and I screamed jetting upright in my bed. " AMANDA", Harry said and he and Damien ran and I saw Kat sitting on the edge of my bed. " I cant make it stop", I said burying my head into my hands. " Make what stop", Damien asked. " The memories they're coming back", I said looking up into his eyes.

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