Always By Moonlight Chapter 11

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" They were wrong they didn't know because you were identical twins but both boys were drawn to their mates that's why Damien always knew where to find you", my dad explained. " But then why do I have this", I said showing them the mark on my shoulder. " It's a promise mark but it's void since you belong to another man", my dad said shaking his head. " But if Damien's my mate then won't I know it", I said perplexed. " You do deep down how else could we be telling you this", my mom said touching my hand. " But if Bane finds out he'll kill me hell Miranda will kill me and Damien will get all moody and never talk to me again", I said upset. " This is more proof that he is your mate sweetheart you know his emotions", my father said trying to explain, " you're connected to him". " I can talk to him in my head but I can talk to Harry and Kat too", I shrugged. " Yes but with your mate you share a bond he knows when you're in trouble and you know when he's in trouble", they explained. " Then why did he bite me all those years ago", I questioned. " He sensed his mate and his instincts took over and he bit you", my dad explained. " I still don't understand how I was mated with Damien but Bane is the one that wanted me", I said shaking my head. " They both want Miranda because deep down Bane knows she's his mate you remember that time you talked to that guard your senses were on alert and Damien knew and searched for you", my dad explained. " I'm part of his pack can't he do the same with the others like when we got in trouble that time in woods", I said puzzled. " He responded to your howl dear you are his mate", my mom sighed. " It just doesn't make any sense he hates me how can we be mates", I said standing up. " He doesn't hate you love he's just confused see you and Miranda have the same scent so it's very confusing", they said. " Not as confusing as this what am I supposed to do go up to Damien and say hey guess what Damien I'm your mate", I rambled starting to pace, " he'll kick me out again". " No he won't", mom disagreed. " Have you meet him he's insufferable he takes all the fun out of the room and he always starts fights sure he has nice hair and gorgeous eyes but he's so annoying", I said stomping my foot. " We're just here to give you the facts dear don't get all upset", my mom said anxiously. " How am I supposed to stay calm you just told me my brother is my mate, my sister is a bitch and my supposed mate is just my enemy", I said shaking my hands and jumping up and down. " I don't know dear bit our time is done here", my mom said as she and dad both touched one of my cheeks. I closed my eyes and suddenly I woke with a start lying on a hospital bed. I sat automatically and I saw my family asleep in their chairs. I really needed to use the washroom so I got up and went over to the bathroom. It was being used so I went out into the hall and went looking for another one. I found one and used it then went looking around. I tried to gather my thoughts but so far I wasn't having any luck. I saw the waiting room and I grabbed a housecoat to cover up more. I entered it and immediately was pinned to the wall. " If it isn't everyone's favourite redhead", a familiar voice said. " Nice to see you too Miranda", I said pushing her away. " Sorry hon how was your coma", she said nastily.

" Interesting you should try it sometime", I said snidely. " Bane wants you come on I'm meeting him in the cemetery", she said grabbing my arm.

" No", I said ripping my hand away.

" Okay we'll do this the hard way", she sighed. " Fine with me", I said punching her in the nose. " You crazy bitch", she said launching me into a door. We smashed into it and rolled down the stairs. " You're just jealous that no one wants you", I said bashing her head against the cement platform we landed on. " At least Damien loyal Bane cheats on you constantly", she hissed. " This coming from the town whore", I laughed. She growled and launched us both out the window. I landed on a car below it hurt like hell. " Jesus Christ I just woke up from a coma you moron", I said pushing her off the car. " Why didn't you grab the rail you crazy bitch", she said getting up. " It didn't come to mind", I said kicking her in the face then hopping off the car. " God my nose you idiot", she said punched me in the gut. " Good", I said headbutted her.

" Oh yeah", she said stepping on my foot. " Ow fuck", I said hopping around then kicked her in the stomach. " Ouch", she said hopping around. We grabbed each other's hair and took our fight to the back alley. I threw the garbage can at her and she whacked my head against the dumpster. I grabbed it and kicked her in the chest. She twisted my foot and I kicked her in the face. I whipped around and punched her in the side of the face. She elbowed me in the stomach. I pulled her hair hard ripping out hair. She screamed and I kicked her to the ground. " This is chiffon you idiot", she yelled throwing me into the dumpster. " It looks better on the rack", I said jumping her and taking the fight to the dirt. We rolled around insulting each other, throwing punches and pulling hair. " This was a 1000 dollar dress", she said angrily kicking me off her. " It was until you wore it", I retorted. We started to move away then she punched me across the face an I kicked her launching her into the forest. We continued to fight it was childish but too bad she pulled my hair. We bit each other and stuff too. We both pulled out knives and started cutting each other. " I win", she said pinning me down and putting the knife over my heart. " Wrong", I said headbutting her and kicked her across the face. I got up threw the knives off into the woods. We were fighting when suddenly I was pulled off of Miranda. " Let me at her I'll kill her", Miranda growled. " I'd like to see you you flake", I laughed. " You little bitch", she said struggling even harder. " Oh come on Miranda we all know that nose isn't really anyways", I said smartly. " You are dead the next you Leslie DEAD", she said as Bane dragged away. " Nice seeing you always a pleasure", I said fingering her. She fingered me back and kept up the threats as they dragged her away.

" Bye I'll miss you", I called after her.

" Come on Amanda you need to get back upstairs before everyone else wakes up", Damien said letting go of me. " Before we go I have a question for you when exactly were you planning on telling me Miranda is my sister?", I said hotheadedly. " Oh that", he said guiltily. " Yeah that tiny little factor the little hiccup in the master plan", I ranted. " I was going to tell you soon it just was never the right time", he explained. " The right time any time is a good time to say hey Amanda your sister's certifiably insane by the way she's also my mate", I said though my head was contradicting me. " I didn't really have time you never sit still for more than two seconds", he said annoyed. " Why didn't you tell me when I told you about Bane", I offered.

" I was distracted sorry I'm not perfect you know", he snapped. " Oh whatever I'm tired can we get back to the room", I said as the world began to spin again. " I doubt you can walk in a straight line come on let me help", he said sincerely. " Fine I just want to lay down", I whined. " Okay then", he said raising his eyebrows. " Are you going to help or not", I snapped. " Yes ma'am", he said lifting me off my feet and carrying me off somewhere.

I woke up lying on my hospital bed again and saw Bane pass the door. My head took off an alarm sounding.

" What's wrong?", I heard Damien say. " Why is Bane in the hospital?", I asked seriously. " You put Miranda in the hospital with those night terrors last night", he said winking. " I know and I feel so bad about it", I said giving him a smile, " I'm chalked full of guilt". " Ha ha are you hungry?", he asked. " I'm starving how long was I out?", I said rubbing my eyes. " Three days two hours", he said then went and talked to a nurse. My head was such a mess I could make head or tail of my thoughts either. All I knew was Miranda was my sister the rest of it was certain. I knew there was something weird going on though and sooner or later this whole thing was going to blow the only question was where was I going to land?

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