Always by Moonlight Chapter 7

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I was so lost I didn't what to do anymore I didn't have a family anymore I was all by myself. I hadn't seen anyone since Friday when I ran off. I wished more than anything that I could go home but Damien had told me not to come back. It seemed ironic somehow that he was the reason I had moved in and now he was the one who was kicking me out. I was fine though I had food, water, shelter and air so no danger there. I missed Kat and Harry I even missed Damien though I was still mad at him. I missed all my friends who had gone home when I ran off along with most of the people called in to protect me. I spent the day watching sappy movies and drinking most of the time. Today I went out on a walk and ended up in the cemetery. I sat down against a tree and put flowers on my parents' graves.

" Leslie", someone said. " Who's asking?", I said taking a huge gulp of vodka. " Whytt Winston", he said coming over. " Great just great", I said taking another large sip. " What are you drinking", he asked pulling it away. I went wolf mode instantly and ripped the bottle away. " Hey calm down I'm not here to hurt you now see reason Leslie you belong with Bane not with those mutts", he said. I growled and showed my teeth menacingly. " You're being silly just stop it and come with me", he commanded. I snarled and snapped at him remembering the last time he said that. I turned and ran before he could stop me and turned back as soon as I was in my apartment then locked the door. I put on a violet silk shorts and tank pj set. I went to bed and fell asleep immediately. Some nights I would see Leo, Aidan or some of Bane's men but I never saw him. I stayed in wolf mode at night now and I never went to the cemetery. One day I was walking through the mall when I ran into someone. " Amy", Kat said hugging me. " Kat?", I said caught off guard. " Please come back home", she cried. " I can't Kat I'm sorry but I have to go", I said spotting Harry and Damien. " But Amy please", she begged.

" I love you kiddo but I have to go", I said as Harry spotted me. I turned and ran quickly out the door getting as much distance from the mall as possible. " Leslie Collins?", someone said.

" Yeah", I said turning around. " I come with a message tonight you will bow to Bane's will or you will be hunted down and dragged", he said dramatically.

" God to know tell Bane I said go to hell", I said then left. " Amanda you can't be thinking of going to him", Damien said chasing me down. " Oh great it's the warden come for another round", I asked with a sigh. " You need to stop running away from everything Amanda", he said still following me.

" Why not running is more fun than standing still", I said without looking at him, " besides you've already made your point". " I'm sorry about what I said Amanda but you were acting like a child", he said annoyed. " Childish huh stick around I'll show you what childish looks like", I said throwing my lighter into a chair lighting it on fire. " Have fun", I said throwing a little bottle of vodka into it. When it blew I took off and he didn't follow me. I spent the next few days acting my age trying drugs, drinking, smoking and crime. Tonight I was going to rob a bank with a couple friends. We went over and I felt someone watching me but I didn't knowledge them. One of the other girls ran with the cash and I promised I would meet them later. I used some of the stolen money at a store all covered up so I won't get caught. I bought some flowers and went over to the cemetery. I knew it was dangerous but I didn't care. I stayed in human form smoking a cigarette. " Leslie you didn't show up", a serious voice said. " No I didn't", I said blowing smoke. " Are you smoking?", he asked disgusted. " Looks like it", I said taking another whiff.

" Give me that", he said pulling it away. " Hey", I said annoyed. " Pay attention Leslie you're in huge trouble so wither get up and come with me or I'll put you over my shoulder and carry you", he snapped. " How about opinion three", I said as police ran over, " officers this man was assaulting me". " You're both under arrest if you have proof", the first officer said. I pulled out my phone and replayed the recording while Bane gave me a death stare. " You get in this car and you in that one", the officer ordered. I got in quietly satisfied with today's events. I knew I was being an idiot but hey what place was safer than jail?

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