Always By Moonlight Chapter 13

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I stayed out late that night and the bartender had to call Damien to pick me up. The next morning I went into the kitchen and found my coffee and Advil waiting for me. It was a nice release once they started working. I went into the living room and found the boys playing Wii Boxing. " I've got ten on Darwin", I said sitting down on the couch. Sure enough Damien won but he lost to me. When I won I cheered and Jordan span me around in a circle. For the next few days we followed a basic schedule sleep until noon, eat, play games, eat, watch movies, eat again and then go out for the night and get home at one. Damien and I fought every other day but it never lasted. Tonight we were at the pyramid shaped casino when my phone started to ring. " Hello", I said walking into the bathroom. " You forgot something love big mistake", the voice said. " What?", I said recognizing Bane's voice the moment I heard it. I heard screaming and heard, " Amanda help". " Christie", I said surprised. " Manny it hurts", she whined. " Stop stop hurting her I'll do whatever you want just please stop", I said panicked. " You have until Friday at midnight if you're not in the cemetery by then your friends die bring your posse if you wish but anyone who interferes dies", he said then hung up.

" I need to talk to you", I said tapping Damien on the shoulder. " What's wrong", he said seeing the tears creeping down my cheeks. " Come on", he said pulling me through the crowd. We got outside and he pulled me off to the side far from the crowds. " What is it?", he asked. " He has my friends he said I have to be at the cemetery on Friday at midnight", I said worried.

" Okay I'll call the others I'll leave tonight", he said urgently. " Okay I'll go get packed", I said nodding. " No I need you to stay here with Jordan and be safe", he said shaking his head. " What no way", I said in disbelief. " Amanda please just this once listen to me", he said. " I'm listening please explain how everyone getting killed is a good thing", I said crossing my arms. " If you hand yourself in he wins if we grab your friends then everyone wins and you're safe", he explained. " Except for the fact that he'll kill all of you without blinking", I argued. " No he won't just please stay put", he said seriously.

" But", I said. " Please Amanda", he said looking into my eyes. " Okay fine but be careful", I said pretending to give up.

" Okay come on I'll take you home", he said calmly. " Okay", I sad starting towards the car. " Everything is going to okay Amanda", he assured me. I nodded and got into the car. My head was racing coming up with a quick plan. In the morning I was going to drive my bike home and hand myself in it was the only way everyone could be safe. I didn't want anyone getting hurt especially not Damien. These last few days had me questioning whether or not my parents were right. I mean Damien used to be like a brother to me but now I wasn't sure. I felt safe with him which was weird because he didn't exactly like me. He drove home and I fell asleep in the car. I woke up late the next morning and Damien was already gone. I looked for my purse it was gone. " That son of a bitch", I said fuming. I went out to the kitchen and my pill bottle was there. I grabbed it and made a cup of coffee and drank it.

" Morning", Jordan said walking in.

" Morning", I said putting the cup into the sink. " He left right after he dropped you off", he said after a minute. " He took my purse", I said angrily. " He didn't want you running off", he said coolly. " Wait a minute", I said going into my room. I went over to where my boots were. I checked them and my money was gone. " I'm going to kill him", I said furiously. " Amanda calm down Damien knows what he's doing", Jordan said reassuringly. " He knows how to get himself killed", I said checking my back pocket. My credit card was there, yes. " I'm going to go out to the casino", I said suddenly.

" Okay be back by dinnertime have fun", he said with a smile. " Bye", I said leaving. I bought some clothes and rented a car then took off back towards home. I didn't stop at night I just kept going getting to LA at eleven fifty on Friday. I didn't have time to rest I got changed into a black T-shirt and some dark wash blue jeans. I headed over to the cemetery and hid in the trees. At exactly midnight everyone showed up. " Darwin", Bane nodded. " Winston", Damien replied.

" Where is she?", he asked. " Far away", Damien said calmly, " now Winston you have five minutes to hand over those people". Suddenly a huge group of men surrounded them all werewolves I could smell them. " Fine you win this round Darwin but it's only a matter of time before she hands herself in", Bane said seriously. " And one more thing Miranda comes with me", Damien announced. " Fine take her she'll come back to me I can get two for one", Bane said and then his men left leaving Miranda there. " Damien", she said. Damien went over to her and then they kissed. I covered my mouth as tears welled up in my eyes and my legs got shaky. I'd seen him kiss other girls but this was different it broke my heart in two and I knew the truth. Damien was my mate but he would never love me not now not ever.

" Damien we've got a problem", Jordan said running over. " Jordan you left Amanda alone are you crazy?", Damien scolded. " Amanda took off the day after you left she rented a car and went running off", Jordan said out of breath. " That's impossible I took her purse and the extra oh shit the back pocket", Damien cursed. " We better go find her then", Harry suggested. " Is Amy going to be okay?", Kat asked. No Amy was not going to be okay. I went wolf mode and took off living my old life behind this time for good. Memories flashed through my mind as I ran and I let the tears fall for the last time. My life was over it was time to go. I ran off into the night alone and empty. I guess I'd just found out where I landed at the end of this by myself. This was the end of my story but if you want to know the happy ending it's always by moonlight.

Part two of the story is called Forever Bites. Read, comment and vote PLEASE!!!

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