Always By Moonlight Chapter 3

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" What did you see?", Damien asked sitting down. " A room there's a white room and a man Whytt I think that's his name and Bane and Aidan are there too my neck, my head Leo he's there and my parents Whytt killed my parents", I said as flashes ran through my mind. " Amanda stop rocking okay you're starting to scare me I know it hurts but you need to let it go", Harry said worried. " Who's Leo?", Damien asked urgently. " He makes the hurt more with his spells him and Aidan and Bane they enjoy my pain they're laughing", I said starting to shake. " He's a sorcerer and Aidan and bane are both vampires but you're not there Mandy you're here", Harry said soothingly. " I want to die the pain so much pain but they just laugh and continue this is my life", I said sadly. " It was your life Amanda now listen to me look me in the eye", Damien said pulling my chin up, " don't let the past drive you alright your name is Amanda Darwin and you're the biggest pain in the ass I've ever meet if anyone can beat this its you". I nodded and closed my eyes and let it replay quickly then pushed it out. I took a few deep breaths before I opened my eyes. " Come on I need coffee", I said standing up. " Good idea", Harry said following me while Damien and Kat followed him.

" Sorry about that I'm not usually insane", I said sipping my coffee. The three of us were drinking coffee but Kat was seven so she was drinking hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. " It's fine at least it's the holiday now you have two months to regain insanity", Harry said cheerfully. " Or lose it completely", Damien muttered. I stuck my tongue out at him and Kat laughed. I smiled and after our drinks we went into the living room and played Wii games. Harry and I were on a team and Damien and Kat were on a team. " Yes we won", I cheered. " Good job wolf girl", he said high fiving me then hugged me. " Nice work", Damien nodded and I gave him a smile then high fived Kat. After that I decided that I still wanted to dance. Damien went to go read a book while we danced around music. I danced with both of them to the fast paced music. We were danced to It's On by super chick when I heard someone enter. I grabbed a gun from dad's study and snuck over to the door.

I opened it and found a young hunk standing there he was gorgeous and alluring. " Steven you made it", Damien said walking over. " Who is this delightful creature", he asked kissing my hand. " That's Mandy the trouble I was talking about", Damien sighed. " That's because he has no manners its nice to meet you Steven", I said politely. " Steven Westwick", Harry said shaking hands with Steven. " Harry nice to see you again and Kat", he said as Kat ran over and hugged him. " Stevie", she said excitedly.

They all went into the living room but I hung back. " He's a warlock a very powerful sorcerer and a close friend he's here to help", Damien said leaning in the doorway as I made another cup of coffee. " You called him", I said sipping my coffee. " And a few other friends", he nodded. " Werewolves and sorcerers", I asked finally looking at him. " A few vampires too", he said hesitantly. " What?", I said spraying my coffee. " Relax they're vegetarians", he assured me.

" When will they get here?", I asked interested. " In the next few days by the way you should probably tell some of your friends the secret with their help this will be easier", he said calmly. " Is that safe?", I asked biting my lip. " Safer than leaving them defenceless", he shrugged. " I'll call them for a meeting then in the morning", I yawned. " You should get some sleep", he suggested. " See you in the morning", I waved going into my room. The minute I hit the pillow I fell asleep.

The next morning we went about our regular business while Damien and Steven played games on the Xbox. I put my hair back into a ponytail and danced around to music while I dressed. I was listening to What I like About You by Lillix. I put a white T-shirt and some blue skinny jeans. I put some black flats on and my favourite wooden wolf necklace with a silver chain on. I listened to Cross My Heart while I made my bed and quickly cleaned up. Kat joined me and we danced around jumping around on the beds and stuff too. We took pictures of ourselves putting extra clothes on. I clicked the 10 poses in one minute on. I tried on bob hats, boas, jean jackets, leather jackets, my hair in different styles and sunglasses on and off. Kat was trying stuff on and we were having a ton of fun. We were listening to Celebrity Status now. We sang into microphones while we danced and span around. This was my favourite thing to do it was as an apology for not telling her a story last night.

I posed as she took pictures and then I took some of her. My hair was wet from my shower earlier and it was the usual fiery red again. We finished the song on a pose then the camera took a picture. We listened to a few more songs. We danced around and sang until we got too tired then we flopped back onto my bed. " I love you sis", she said hugging me. " Love you too sweetie", I said kissing her on the top of her head. I heard the doorbell go off and I put my sunglasses and jean jacket on and went to answer it.

" Hello", I said opening the door. " Amanda", the guy asked. " The one and only", I said leaning in the doorway, " and you are?" " Zach Croft", he said smiling accidentally showing his teeth. " Oh the vegetarian come on in", I said opening the door wider. " Can we come in too", a female with a strong Russian accent said. " Who are you?", I said though my instincts told me this people were werewolves. " I'm Naomi Barnes and this is my boyfriend, Mike he's a sorcerer", she said proudly. " Pleased to meet you come in", I said opening the door. As the day went on more and more people showed up.

" Is that all of them?", I asked hopefully. " There's one more he's always last", Damien explained. " What species is he?", I asked.

" Werewolf", he said quickly. " Okay does he have a name?", I questioned.

" Jordan Bridges", he said then left. " Good to know", I said going back to the book I was reading. Damien had given me the history books to read in exchange for me staying put. I called my friends we were meeting at noon. When it was five minutes to I told Damien and he got Harry to drive me down. " Good luck", he called after us. " Thanks", I said with a sigh.

" Come on Mandy", Harry said leading me over to his car. " Alright lets go", I sighed. We drove over to the beach heard everyone was meeting us. I saw them playing ball and I took a deep breath. " Hey Manny", Vanessa said coming over. " Hey Ness", I said smiling at her. " Everyone's here what's the big emergency", Haley asked. " I'll tell you is there a microphone or anything", I asked biting my lip. Everyone talked while I grabbed the microphone and turned it on. " Listen everyone there's something I need to tell you", I said, " so can everyone quiet down".

I took a deep breath and got ready to explain. " See most of you know that I cant really remember my past its all gone", I said calmly. " Last night it all came back and it wasn't good I know that for certain", I said coolly.

" Its okay Amanda we're here for you", Ian assured me. " See when I was little a man killed my parents and took me away", I said slowly. " Oh god", Dana said covering her mouth. " The Darwins saved me and adopted me and I've been with them ever since keeping their secret but now my parents' killer is back and I have to tell you", I said thoughtfully. " Tell us we can take it", Christie said. " The man who killed my family and his sons Aidan and Bane Winston are vampires and the Darwin family are werewolves", I said then took a deep breath, " and so am I". There was a long pause that followed.

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