Always By Moonlight Chapter 5

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I acted normally but my head was on overload right now. I wished I couldn't remember everything but I did I remembered every last bit of it. I remembered Whytt watching Bane marked me smugly and proudly. No one cared how much I screamed it was meaningless I was just a puppet in his play. Bane he had been angry when I left and had gone to Miranda and Damien and turned her while I ran. I could see it through his eyes he was angry and he took it out on Damien. All that pain but he still wanted me he needed me to become king since his family was in line. They wanted me back and they were very angry that I was a werewolf now but they weren't giving up. I wanted them to leave me alone but I somehow knew they never would. " Hey freak what's on your mind?", Damien said sitting down on the couch. " Damien there's something I need to tell you", I said biting my lip.

" What is it?", he asked. " Do you promise not to hate me?", I said worried. " It can't be that bad", he said. " Don't be so sure", I said unsure, " Okay spill", he said concerned. " I know the reason I was there in the first place", I said slowly. " Why?", he asked curiously. " Because I'm his mate", I said sadly. " Whose?", he asked. I looked into his eyes and I could tell he figured it out. " Oh", he said finally looking away. I looked at the wall and didn't say anything. " When did you find out?", he asked miserably. " Last night", I said looking down at the ground. " Why didn't you tell me?", he asked. " Because I don't want anyone to hate me more than they do already", I said staring at the floor. " No one here hates you Amanda where did you get that idea?", he said shocked. " When you were talking about Miranda you said his mate was back home but I wasn't I ran off and he was mad and that's why he turned Miranda", I ranted. " Oh that", he sighed. " I'm sorry", I said hesitantly. " Wait a minute isn't that the night oh", he said catching on. " Yeah", I said waiting for him to kick me out. " I don't understand why you're sorry", he said confused.

" Because if I hadn't run off none of this would have happened", I said without looking up. " Mandy this isn't your fault Miranda made the decision by herself", he said reassuringly. " I should have stayed put he won't have left and went to find you everything won't be so messed up", I said biting my lip hard. " Yeah it would at least now you know where you belong", he said touching my hand. " So you're not mad at me", I said looking up. " Of course not I can't stay mad at you not after all you've done for us", he said with a smile, " remember that trip to Ohio". I blushed and smiled as I nodded. " I distracted mom and dad while Harry helped you out of the ditch", I said absentmindedly. " Then you fell in and Harry and Kat started faking nosebleeds", he teased. " And I pulled you back in because you were laughing at me", I said smugly. " See we need you even if only for the comic relief", he said calmly. " True this family really needs someone with a sense of humor", I said with a sigh. " Ha ha now that you're in a good mood again can you go feed your friends", he said getting up.

" Yes sir", I said getting up and saluting. " Shut up", he said leaving. I looked after him Damien was so much more complicated then I thought I think I liked him better when he was just a jerk. He had changed so much in such a small amount of time. I hated Bane so much I wanted him dead. I hated Whytt, Aidan and Leo too but I hated Bane the most. I refused to be his mate I was spending my life with that asshole.

I made chicken for dinner and brought Kat with me this time. She already knew all my friends so everything worked out. Ian took me off into his room and we started making out. Once we were done I went back towards the house. I stopped and sniffed the air then hid behind a bush and saw a few men walking towards the house. I switched into wolf mode and knocked over the leader. I bit into his shoulder then he pushed me off and I growled getting into defense mode. " Watch it you little oh it's you", Bane said massaging his shoulder. I snapped at him and he backed off a bit. " You know", he inferred. I growled and showed my teeth. " And you've talked to Damien", he sighed. I nodded my head snapped at a guard who tried to sneak up on me. " You can't take us all Leslie", he said seriously. I shook my head then saw a girl in the back she smelled like Damien that bitch. I launched myself at her and knocked her down and bit into her neck. " Leslie stop that now", Bane ordered. I clawed her face then bounced off and ran.

" Does your dog have rabies or something", she complained. " She knows about us and Damien", Bans explained. " Well then why don't you just sedate her and take her home", she suggested. " Good idea we wait until they're asleep", Bane sighed. I went inside and got dressed. I put a dark green pullover hoodie and some track pants on. " What's going on?", Damien asked as I grabbed a gun. " Bane, Miranda and his guys need to get off my property", I said loading the gun with wood bullets. " They're here?", he asked shocked. " Not for long", I said walking out. I didn't hear him follow me as I snuck outside putting my hoodie on. I knew they could see me but they didn't know I knew they were watching me. I had the gun hidden in pouch in the front. I had my hair back in a nun under the hood and I wearing some white sneakers. " Where do you think you're going?", Damien said loudly following me out. " I'm going to a party", I said casually. " I told you you're grounded", he said continuing to follow me. " This is an exclusive party I'm not missing it", I shrugged. " You sure as hell are", he said grabbing my arm. " Since when are you the boss of me Damien", I said pulling my arm free. " You are such a pain in the ass", he said as I started walking again. " Get used to it", I said over my shoulder.

" You shouldn't be running off in the dark I forbid it", he said coolly. " Ha yes mom", I snorted. " That's not funny you need to go back inside and act your age", he said strictly. " Newsflash this how people my age act", I laughed.

" I never have to drag Harry back when he runs off", he threatened.

" I'm not five I can look after myself", I said stopping and whipping around.

" You call this looking after yourself", he laughed. " You hypocrite just because you're such a loser you don't get invited to parties doesn't mean everyone has to suffer", I said angrily. " I am not a loser I'm the head of this house now get inside", he commanded. " No", I said loudly. " Can I join this conversation", a low voice said. " Shut up for a second Winston Amanda you are such a child sometimes", Damien said annoyed.

" And you are such a prat", I snapped.

" That's better than being a know it all you think you know everything well you don't", he snapped back. " I know something you don't", I replied. " Yeah and what's that", he said sarcastically. " That I'm going to that party", I said defiantly. " No you're not", Bane said.

" Actually I am not and Bane I took drama", I said turning back around.

" What does that mean?", he said caught offguard. " It means you have five minutes to get off my property", Damien said pulling out a gun and the rest of us came out of the woods and surrounded them. " Fooled ya", I said pulling out my gun. " This isn't over", he snarled. " One", I said bored. They left and we all cheered victoriously. We went back inside and had a party. " I told you I was going to a party", I whispered on Damien's ear. " Nice work", he nodded. " You too sorry about the Miranda thing", I said as we walked up the stairs, " I know you still love her". " Yeah I do", he said sadly.

" I think deep down she still loved you too", I said reassuringly. " Thanks dreamer goodnight", he said giving me one of his rare smiles. " Goodnight stubborn", I said giving a stunning smile. He went into his room and I went downstairs and rejoined the party. The next morning I woke up in my bed with Ian. I sat and saw hoodie and pants on the floor shit. I must have done this last night after all that drinking. I laid back down and went back to sleep. I felt him get up and I opened my eyes again. He was getting dressed and headed towards the door.

" Where are you going?", I asked confused. " Oh you're awake", he said sounding unhappy. " Are you just going to leave", I said sitting up. " Well yeah I mean last night was fun but it wasn't anything serious", he said calmly. " It wasn't", I said hurt. " Wait you're not a virgin are you", he laughed. I nodded and he zipped up his pants. " Last night was getting you out of my system Amanda and now you are but if you want more fun I have a few more minutes", he suggested. " Get out", I said slowly. " Okay then have a nice day princess", he said kissing me one last time. I waited until he was gone then I went and locked the door and burst into tears. I stayed there all day and never said a word. I was trash I was just a fling to him I thought he'd actually cared were all guys like that? I hoped not I really didn't want that to be true. I couldn't stop crying though inside I was screaming. I couldn't believe I had been so stupid.

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