Always By Moonlight Chapter 12

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I spent the next few days in the hospital. Damien stayed pretty much all the time but everyone else came and went all the time. I ate the food and my family let them sedate me when they twisted my leg back to keep me from going wolf. I woke up and my body started healing already. " I hate drugs", I said yawning. " Good they're the whole reason you're in here", Damien said sitting up. " Don't you ever sleep I swear you're always awake", I said yawning. " I'll sleep when we go back home", he promised. " Which room is Miranda in?", I asked casually.

" Mandy please don't pick a fight with her the next time you might end up in a hearse", he said seriously. " I don't want to hurt her I want to avoid her", I explained. " Oh then she's in room 213 at the end of the hall", he nodded. " How long am I going to be here?", I asked urgently. " A few more days that's all", he assured me. " I'm just glad Bane and the others are leaving me alone", I said sitting cross-legged on the bed. " They don't know what room you're in", he explained. " Why not everyone's been coming and going all week long", I said confused. " They're looking for me not them", he said calmly. " So that's why you haven't left", I said putting two and two together. " Yeah", he said quietly.

" Well I'm taking a nap wake me up if there's an emergency", I said laying back down. " Sweet dreams", he said absentmindedly. I past out and had a wonderfully dreamless sleep. " Leslie wake up", someone whispered in my ear. My eyes snapped up and I sat up getting as far as from him I could.

" Don't make a sound we don't want to alert your little friends", he said covering my mouth. I bit his hand and screamed. He slapped me and I fell off of the bed. " Keep her quiet", I heard Miranda say. " Hey sis how's your face?", I hissed. " Leslie shut up", Bane ordered. " Sis what does that mean?", Miranda asked confused. " Miranda Leslie is your sister but we don't have time for that right now we have to get out of here before prince charming gets back", Bane said quietly. " Hold on I have to grab something", I said then listened and heard where Miranda was and launched myself at her. I hit her and we both went down kicking and screaming. We bit each other and pulled each other's hair. " Quiet down and get moving before Darwin gets here", he hissed. " Too late", a low voice said I heard Damien punch Bane. They fought while Miranda threw punches and ended up in a cat fight. " Come on trouble we're leaving", he said pulling me away from Miranda who couldn't even stand up I think I hit her a little too hard. Bane tried to grab me do I kicked him in the nuts and pushed him onto Miranda. " Big mistake Darwin this is war you and your family better watch out", he called after us. " Where is everyone?", I asked. " I'll call them they can stay with some family", he said as we got to the stairwell. " Okay then where are we going?", I asked as we walked down. " To Jordan's house in Nevada", he said opening the door for me. " Isn't that near Vegas", I asked thoughtfully. " He lives on the outskirts of Las Vegas", he nodded. " Cool", I shrugged opening the door to the car.

" You call them I'll drive", he said handing me his phone. " Deal", I said getting in. " Alright", he said putting his seatbelt on. I snorted and closed the door and dialed the number. " Damien what's the emergency", Harry asked.

" Hey wolf boy", I said casually. " Hey troublemaker did you steal Damien's phone", he asked cheerfully. " Not exactly listen I'm in trouble you guys need to go live with your aunt in Florida it's safer for you there", I said seriously. " Okay and I'm guessing Damien is taking you to Jordan's I'll call you in a few days good luck", he said hopefully. " See ya and be careful", I said. " Always don't kill my brother", he suggested. " I promise", I said with a laugh then hung up. " You promise what", he asked taking his phone back.

" I promise not to kill you", I said cheerfully. " Good to know", he said,

" we shouldn't really stop tonight so I suggest you get in the back if you want to sleep". " Alright then", I said climbing into the back. " Classy", he said as I put my baseball cap from the past time I was in this car over my face. " That's what I was going for", I said closing my eyes. I slept deeply and for a long time. When I woke up the hat was gone and there was a bright light blinding me.

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