Always By Moonlight Chapter 10

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I woke up with a fresh bite mark on my neck and exhausted. I was back in my bunk now though which was a relief. I felt used I hated that feeling. I sat up and saw Georgie laying on her bunk blood on her pillow. I went into the bathroom and covered my wound with a cotton pad with elastic tape. I fixed up Georgie's wound too while she slept. I went back over to my bed wearing my bathrobe. My clothes were still out in the cabin still intact. I hated Bane even more now because he had used me. I didn't get it he had Miranda why couldn't he just leave me alone?

I didn't talk to anyone I felt dirty. I stayed to myself mostly after telling them everyone was on their way. Bane sent for me early in the night and I did. Once he was done with me he sent me back down to the room and I locked myself in the bathroom. Georgie hid out with me and we cried and hugged. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and we both jumped. " Amanda open up", Kat said. " No", I said hiding in the corner. " Come on trouble we've got to go", Harry said knocking. " Go away", Georgie and I called. " Come on Les we have to go", Wendy begged.

" I don't want to", I said wiping the tears away from my face. " Okay that's it", someone said and suddenly the door was gone. Someone picked me up and someone else picked Georgina up. " Put me down", I ordered. " Come on we're leaving", Damien said pushing open the door and we ran off over to the highway. I felt the seat under me and I bit the hand of whoever was holding me and I heard Damien curse. Everyone else got into one of the two cars and I past out. I woke up lying on my bed in the Darwin's house. I felt my neck it was still covered up and my head hurt like hell. I knew I didn't belong here I didn't belong with Bane either I was lost again. Kat was asleep in the other bed and I could hear people talking in the hall. " She's not looking good", I heard Roger say. " Have you seen her neck of course she's not alright", Lily hissed. " You guys she's asleep not deaf", Harry said quietly.

" I still don't get why she didn't want to leave", Damien said perplexed. The whole world started spinning as I went into the bathroom. It felt like all the drugs, smoking and alcohol were starting to affect me. Everything was spinning as I fell into the tub pulling the curtain down with me. I hit the tub hard and everything went black.

I woke up still in the tub everything was fuzzy I couldn't see straight. Suddenly the curtain pole hit me in the head. I blacked out again going into dream world. I was on a sofa in the middle of a field. What the hell was I doing here? " Hello Leslie", a familiar voice said. " Mom", I said turning around to face the tall redhead there. Okay now I was getting really confused.

" Oh my beautiful daughter", she said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. " Am I dead?", I asked. " No no no my dear this isn't heaven this is a dream", she said running a hand through my hair. " Oh mom I missed you so much", I said hugging her. " I missed you too love", she said kissing me on the forehead. " If I'm not dead then why can't I wake up", I asked.

" All will be revealed in time sweets", another familiar voice said. " Daddy", I said hugging him. " You've grown much Leslie", he said hugging me tightly.

" You too", I said. " No we haven't changed hon you have your father's eyes and my hair but your strength and power are results of your mate", she said running a hand down my cheek. " Damien isn't my mate Bane is", I said staring the obvious. " No hon Bane's mate is Miss. Miranda she is marked you belong with Damien Darwin", she said shaking her head.

" But I'm marked what I don't understand why did he chase me down if I was Damien's mate", I said confused. " Love have you seen Miranda", she said. " Yeah she's a whore with that short red hair and those gray-", I said looking into my mom's gray eyes, " no way". " Yes Miranda is your twin sister", my dad said. " How?", I asked shocked. " Sit down hon there's a lot that must be said", my mom said sitting down on the grass. " It all started when you two were born the two families found us and the boys marked you but we didn't this for you so we didn't tell them which was which when they came back for you so they killed us and took you away and the Darwins took Miranda to a family to grow up", my mon explained. " Oh my god", I said slowly.

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