Always By Moonlight Chapter 9

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I told the story like I told Kat and Jordan adding comedy and stuff to it. They laughed while they listened fascinated. " You did all that in ten years", Harriet said surprised. " Yep", I said leaning back against the bed post. We were all sitting on the floor now sitting against the bed. " What's getting drunk feel like", Georgie asked.

" Want to find out", I said unwrapping the pouch from my leg. " Yes", all ten of them said. There were eleven of us left there used to be over twenty of us but most had gotten sick or killed. Our names, Wendy, Harriet, Georgina, Fiona, Daphne, Emma, Roxanne, Vienna, Selena, Cassandra and me Leslie. I didn't care much for that name I preferred Amanda it was more me. I knew how to talk to these girls because they were like sisters to me. I cared for them they were like Kat to me except t they were my age. They were innocents and this was their punishment for that. Georgie was my favourite she was sweet and funny but she never talked much. We listened to music while we drank. We passed out on the floor and woke up the next morning with hangovers. " I like alcohol", Georgie giggled falling off her bunk. We all laughed and she joined in. We spent the day dancing around and taking pictures since Bane and others were busy. It was fun but I hated the idea of being a slave again, a test subject. I was wearing a plain white tank top and some blue flared jeans now. I taught them different languages and stuff too like how to swear in French. " Ferme la bouche", Fiona laughed, " that sounds like a food". " I know right", Roxanne giggled. I was teaching Georgie how to dance to fast paced music. " How are you not exhausted", Cassandra asked. " Because when you're having fun you don't get tired", I explained. " Sounds show us please", Emma said standing up. " Yes ma'am", I said saluting. I taught how them how to dance and how to stake a vampire. " Let's try combining them", Selena suggested. " Okay then", I laughed. I showed them some dance moves and added in staking techniques. " You can do the splits", Daphne said shocked. " That's nothing watch this", I said motioning for them to get out of the way. I ran then did a flip then a back handspring then a cartwheel then a roll then a front handspring, a twisted flip and landed on my feet. They all cheered as I bowed and came back over. " I'm a cheerleader back at school", I explained. " What's a cheerleader?", Daphne asked. " It's the coolest thing ever you get cheer do gymnastics and flirt at the same time", I said excitedly and with that I started to explain cheerleading to them. " And you did that every week no wonder you had muscles", Wendy said looking at my strong arms. " It's fun in fact it's almost as fun as flirting", I said then explained flirting. " You look so strong I feel like a twig", Vienna sighed. " If we get out of here I'll buy you a hamburger they're cow meat with tomato paste and cheese on top of them they're delicious", I said smugly.

" Yum", Georgina said out loud. We all laughed and gathered in the circle and they told me about life here while I talked about the outside world.

" Hey dog wake up", someone said sometime after I'd past out. " No", I groaned putting the pillow over my head. " Remember yesterday with that pain you want it to start again", Miranda threatened. " This coming from the prissy bitch herself", I yawned stretching. " Where did you get those?", she said pointing at my clothes. " None of your business why do I have to get up", I asked sharply.

" Whytt and others want to see you", she said soberly. " I thought they were out hunting", I said sitting up. " They were during the day they gave me five minutes to get you there and it's already been ten", she said annoyed.

" Well then I'll just go back to sleep", I said laying back down. " I hate you", she said. I fingered her and she growled and stomped off. " Wow I've never seen her that mad", Georgina said sitting on my bed. " It was funny", Daphne said as the other girls joined her and me.

" I hate her", I sighed. " Everyone does", Roxanne and Vienna both said. " I used to be her food source she's such a bitch", Cassie said looking after her.

" I prefer Damien to her", I said mostly to myself. " Damien Darwin he has such a reputation", Fiona said blushing.

" His family is the one that I lived with", I said honestly. " Cool", they all said. " Leslie you have two seconds to get out here", Aidan ordered. " Bite me", I said and we all burst out laughing.

" You too Georgina", he ordered. She stuck out her tongue and blew it. We burst out in fresh laughter. " What's taking you so long", Whytt asked.

" They aren't listening", Aidan said angrily. " Why are they laughing?", Bane asked. " Beats me I told you putting her in there was a bad idea", Aidan said annoyed. " Where else are we going to put her?", Leo asked.

" Not in my room", Miranda said sternly. " It's okay sweetheart you can keep your room", Bane assured her. We started laughing and Georgie and I fell off the bed but kept laughing.

" Dummies", Daphne said. " Take that", I said pulling the rest of them down with Georgie's help. " Leslie out here now all of you actually", Bane called. " Yes sir", we all said. We sobered up a bit then walked into the next room. " What the hell was that?", Bane hissed. " What did it look like", I asked leaning against the wall. " Don't test me Leslie I'm not in a good mood", he snapped. " You never are", I shrugged. " Not funny Leslie", he said seriously. " It's Amanda", I said eyes narrowed. " No it's Leslie", he said coolly. " Not according to my birth certificate", I said thinking about my wallet Damien still had. " Whatever Leslie Amanda whatever your name is you're in major trouble for running off", he said walking over. " Which time?", I said amused. " All of the times", he said looking into my eyes.

" Too bad", I said and the girls had to bite their lips to keep from laughing.

" Quiet don't interrupt me again", he said coming even closer. " Stick with your blood whore", I said crossing my arms. " What?", Miranda said furious.

" Oops was that the wrong term for a vampire who feeds another vampire it's the only one Damien taught me", I said innocently. " Leslie shut up", Bane ordered. " No", I said seriously, " either kill me or let me go I'm sick of this". He came over and pushed back into the wall but I didn't even flinch just stared him down until he left cursing and yelling. " Now that that's settled I'm going to sleep goodnight", I said bowing out of the room. The others quickly followed and we cheered once we were in the room. " Did you see his face", Georgie said. " It was hard to miss", I said hugging her. Later on in the night I snuck out to scout for running away and I found the old hut my first real home. I went inside and looking around taking in my family's scents. I pulled out my cellphone and called the house.

" Amanda where are you?", Damien said answering on the first ring. " You remember the old hut", I said quickly.

" Yeah in the woods", he said. " I'm in a building ten minutes west of there tomorrow night okay", I said seriously.

" Okay be careful", he warned. " You too", I said then hung up. I didn't go back right away I took in the scents of the other wolves. " What do you think you're doing?", Bane growled suddenly pinning me to the wall. " What are you doing here?", I retorted. " You weren't in your bed", he said angrily. " Thanks brainiac", I said annoyed. " Stop talking", he commanded. " Why should I?", I hissed. " Because I said so Leslie", he said throwing me across the room.

" Guess why I don't care", I said standing up. " You should you shouldn't have said that about Miranda earlier you crossed the line", he said spearing in front of me. " She's a blood whore", I said without blinking. " That's it", he said sticking something into my arm.

" Is that your solution for everything drugs", I said angrily. " Shut up", he ordered and immediately I did. What the hell? " Lay down on the bed", he commanded. I went over to the bed and laid down as instructed. He was on top of me. " What are you doing?", I asked confused. " Taking what I want", he said pulling my shirt open, " now close your eyes and take it". I closed my eyes and felt him pass my defenses. I couldn't believe I was in this situation what was I going to do now???

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