Date with jason part 2

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Few hours later..
We're at the county fair and Kai I having
a ball he's hyped up off of cotton candy Jason bought him. Jason is a decent guy he smart and handsome , he been spending money on us since we got here and keeps holding my hand y'all know I don't liked to be touched by nobody . As we walk from the giant slide exit two girls comes up and stares at Jason then start taking pictures then shoulder bump me then walk away . I mugged they ugly ass. I just grab Kai and keep walking cuz whatever going on we don't need to be apart of ,this why I don't do dates or niggas. " Aniya, Anita aye shorty where u going don't even worry about that petty kid child " he say once we got to his bmw my dream car night I add.. but Im just waiting on him to unlock his doors and take me home . I look up at him as he make his way to the passenger side I stare at the ground not knowing how to react without being extra " Jason idk what's going on but I kinda don't care u just told me u wasn't seeing anyone" he brings my face up face his lookin me in my eyes " I'm not that's my ex sisters they just weird promise u a , don't be mad I'll check them ASAP" I listen to what he say and calm down it is out 1st lil date nothing serious anyways . I didn't wanna leave but it's starting to get dark and I have to study for exams . " okay just keep it real with me , I hate liars " he smile with his dimples showing and green eyes making his way to his side of the car , the ride was a comfortable silence . His phone kept ringing which snapped me outta my thoughts from Amir . I don't know why I'm thinking of him when I'm with someone who seems like they're not about playing games .I wonder would he call me or ignore me for a week again.. shit I let my guard down now To be played off once again ..
We pull up to the house he park his car and cut on the lights for me to get Kai out the car seat as Jason help me unlock my door not wanting any company right now I sat Kai down gently since he still sleeping thank god for the bottle lol . I turn back to Jason by the door " thank u for today we enjoyed ourself with you " being sincere cuz I know I was gone be bored in this house all damn day . Jason just nods and say " you welcome Aniya , it was cool catching up I'm here for another two days hopefully I can see you before I drive back to Baltimore " he asked I wouldn't mind seeing him so I told him I'll let him know , hugged him and watched him leave to see Amir pulling up ...

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