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i bend down getting something out the refrigerator when i closed it back  amir pop out yelling boo. i screamed  jumping , i pop him in his arm "amir why you being childish i was actually scared" i say finishing my sandwich ,"i know your face was priceless" he says still just cracking up , while im looking unfazed at him" give me a bite" he says eyeing my sandwich i put it out there for him totake a bite not knowing his greedy ass was gone eat it all."you greedy" i say walking out the kitchen "you greedy that was a small ass bite " walking behind me . he wrap his hands around my waist from behind i don't resits as we keep walking. he's actually warming me up. he put his face in the crook of my neck making  it started to tickle."amir what are you doing?" i ask him knowing the answer clear as day . this the second time we been around each other and been acting close i think its the alcohol and weed every time. that's the only time i feel comfortable around him or relaxed to see him for that matter. i move from his grip looking at him. he just smile "trying to be friendly" he say it all innocent. "you always friendly from what i see" throwing shade towards the post i seen earlier snapping out of this little world he keep trying to pull me into. its crazy because i slip into it without much manipulation. he must don't know what im talking about. we walk into the living room to see Trina and tj making thier way to the guestroom."where y'all going?" i ask we was all having a good time ."she drunk and im tired y'all but i left them swishers on the table " we nod i stop him "hey don't smoke upstairs in less its on the balcony ,i don't wanna set off kai" stopping him "i know, i got you A" he say dragging Trina upstairs .. my best friend be trying to get fucked up im happy everyone enjoyed their self. i would've been bored just me and kai when he went to sleep. me and amir was sitting on the couch looking awkward "i know what you meant too i got caught slipping by that hoe Tasha on the gram earlier" he chuckled like it was funny i just don't know why im feeling jealous. i hate i started to think about amir since last weekend . he just came off as caring like i can talk to him about anything .it feels good that he view me differently from some females. i just wanna be respected. "im sorry that's not my business" looking up at him feeling like i overstepped with that remark. he grab my hand bringing my chin up to look at him "its good, i can be open with you Tasha just somebody from around the way thats cut off now" inside im relieved even though he have some more cleaning up for me to consider taking him serious other then a friend. i started straighten up humming to the music in the background not saying anything while amir looks at his phone. i see him recording a video of me on snap chat,  i posed and smiled he captioned it" a real one,bad one,maybe the one." i held my mouth open in shocked at the caption and that he actually posted it . "fix your face" he say playful he grab my phone ready to take a picture but my phone started to ring i look at it seeing Jason name flash on the screen,  i take it from amir hands. i forgot he was going to call me tonight should i answer or not amir is here i thought . i went against my first mind and answered this who am i kidding what ties do we got to each other. i'll at least say hello for a while. i place the phone to my ear going into the kitchen before looking at amir.

 Phone converstion: "hey" i say "hey aniya sorry i got busy for a second im was hoping you was still up" ..." its fine jason but yea i am im actually on my way to sleep, i have to get up early tomorrow" i say lying just not feeling like talking on the phone at this moment.."oh okay i wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch tomorrow or dinner?" he asks sounding nervous.. "i cant say which one right now but yea im down for that ill call you tomorrow afternoon" i reassure him ..."alright make sure you do goodnight gorgeous ttyl." jason said hanging up. i signed he did keep his word.

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