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As me and Trina smoking our second or third blunt, hell i cant remember ,we dancing to our music by her car. we see tj and amir walk towards us with a bottle and some backwoods. Trina sigh hard " tj, what do you want? then you bring yo slinky with you" throwing shade i bust out laughing as tj chew her out behind the car .im still smoking when amir hands me the bottle without talking .i take it from him take a little sip im not trying to have a hangover with kai in the morning. "thank you" i say shyly i never talk to him we could be in the same room and he wouldn't speak neither would i. he normally got a mug but as i pass the bottle back his face soften and he licks his lips i look away .why do he look good right now normally i could bypass the thugs and prettyboys glares but amir is doing something to me."no problem, you still smoking?" i take the blunt from his hand "yea , tonight im vibing , umm happy birthday" looking at him for once he nod his head. "appreciate it, you always this quiet?" he stares back i inhale then blow the smoke out thru my nose then answer back. "kinda, kinda not i been around these two with you a few times but never had much to say" pointing at Trina and tj we noticed he kissing on her neck as she just cheesing hard , they so dysfunctional they were just arguing inside and outside but back to love birds . amir shakes his head at the sight then turn back around to me. " you never open your mouth to speak to a nigga " im shocked did he want me to talk to him? "my bad im not the thirsty type your use to" kinda getting offended aniya aint yo usual female i speak when im spokeing too what you thought. "damn i didn't mean to offend you but thats why i peeped your fly cause you fall back unlike these thirsty broads, thats all i was getting at ms. angry bird " making me laugh which made him laugh hard . "im high enough" i decline the blunt. i look up at the stars something i always admired with my father . it was a comfortable silence as we both looked in the night. i started looking back at Trina looking comfortable as her and tj talk. i snap out realizing the time. i told ms.georgia ill be back by 12:30 which is soon. "i have to go , um if you see me speak ill do the same" looking at him he gets off the hood helping me down ." iight but you leaving already its just midnight" looking at his phone screen .i sign" yea i gotta get kai before its too late ms.georgia have that shotgun ready " we both laugh ."who is kai" he asked looking curious i smile going to my pictures " "thats my baby he's 11 months old today " he smile when he see kai picture from Halloween. he was the cookie monster i was a witch. i feel myself getting in my feelings i also find myself ready to vent if Trina not available then i have no one im lonely but i have my best friend but everyone have their own life .she has a big family, she works at the mall and i can hangout with her but i have kai and i refuse to drag him everywhere if i dont have to."lil man gone be a ladies man i can tell already" rubbing his chin hair just like the fuckboy he is i roll my eyes, thinking what i thought all night why is he paying me so much attention now . "ugh no hes not imma keep him away from people to influence him i promised my sister ill look after him the right way" rolling my eyes hard he look up "so he's not your son?" not recognize the shade i was throwing at him . kai will not be like these thugs on the corner .i want him to go to the best schools,have a stable life i never got a chance to have good things the house we have is paid for and Renae left us over 80,000. when kai is one i'll get a job to keep the money flow coming.. "no that's my nephew my sister passed away um im his only family so i have to step up now." putting my head down happy to have kai but i wish Renae was here to be with him. he lifts my chin up looking in my eyes " hey you been doing a good job so far , lil man look like he isn't missing out on nothing shordy. keep yo head up".  i smile thinking i have came along way before kai i never looked after a kid for more then a few hours but im his caregiver. "i like your sexy smile"

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