hospital visit prt2

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as we continue to stare at each other i dont answer him. im trying to read him but i cant it seem sincere but i let my guard down before. even though its not like that still i dont need noone around who not going to stay especially a thug . " o.. o. okay i guess amir but im not use to this ,this kinda like a family situation" he grabs my hand again. he keeps doing that since i started to open up to him. its not too big of a deal ..yet..  the doctors walk in ."hey are you family of malakai " looking between me and amir. i jump up" yes im his mother ", i refuse to lose malakai especially today .if you look at it i been his only caregiver and renae would want it this way.  the doctor walks up to shake my hand then amir stands up not speaking at all but shakes the doctors hand also."Ms. King malakai will be fine, he just has asthma but the intend of it we wouldn't know until you come for a visit next week i recommend " i smile and shake his hand again "thank you i was so worried my father had bad lung cancer before he passed away" i get tested every year to make sure it dont get to me because we have strong genes. " Ms.McCoy we just happy you brought him in when you did , for you to be young you seem very mature ,keep up the good work" he walked out making me feel good about myself . i looked over at the nurse and kai he just looking at me and amir cracking a smile i guess that medicine helped . it was just something to clear his lungs up . i look over at kai smiling back walking closer kissing him all over his face while he giggles. i step outside the room to call Ms.georgia she kept apologizing ,,she was saying she didn't do anything out the ordinary but  just play and watch game shows until they feel asleep. "Ms.georgia its not your fault thanks for calling me " i also called Trina to update her ,her ass must be still drunk she yelling all into the phone saying how much she love us, tell kai she taking him to chucke cheese tomorrow. i walk back in the room i stop in my tracks to see amir holding kai making strange faces making him giggle. i walk up to them and grab kai ready to walk out with amir behind me. i know hes being nice but i dont want kai to get attached kai dont interact with guys as much. "hey you need a ride" duh nigga i came here with you, type of question is that. i stop and turn around to see him looking at my ass licking his lips, seeing me noticing he straightening up quick. i laugh which cause him to laugh too while i shake my head. "um thats how it goes right you bring me somewhere you take me back " getting smart with him now i can breathe some kai is alright . i actually had a good night ,when i had a chance to enjoy myself. "yo mean ass back to yourself throwing shade towards a nigga" smiling grabbing my hand again as we make our way to the car."amir why do you keep grabbing my hand, i am not one of your groupies, remember that" getting slightly serious with my finger in his face . as we get into the car i put my GPS into the phone .he looks over "trust me i know you would've been bent over already but i see you carry yourself different' not prepared for that response i look back to check on kai he is wide awake starting to get fussy. its bottle time i see. we pull up i turn to amir taking off my seatbelt ," thanks again i really appreciate you ,you know for the talk earlier and for helping me with my nephew" i start to get out without a response. im so bad at saying goodbyes , i hate it even if its temporarily . amir gets out going to unbuckle kai strap to the seatbelt .he walks me to the door i unlock the door we step in , i flick the lights on ."can you hold him while i make him a bottle" i ask as he sits down seeming like hes comfortable already."yea , where his room at?" i look at him " upstairs first door. youll see Elmo everywhere" i laugh to myself  .i really out did myself but hey thats his mans. i go heat up the bottle .make my way upstairs ready to change then head to sleep. i change my clothes into a big shirt and shorts . i go into kai room to give him a bottle to lay down but to my surprise he already changed and sleep looking peaceful amir looks up at me from his phone looking awkward then at me up and down. i stare at him back."what" hiding my face i ask. he stands up walking closer to me pushing me out of kai's room into the hallway." what" he mocks me laughing i raise my eyebrow at him. he joking im tired ." im tired asl i been moving around all day i didn't know your birthday be so complicated." he yawn out i sigh" im sorry amir i have to pay you back some how"he nods blowing me off while he's still looking at me "you know your beautiful " i blush he so random with these compliments but i kinda like it. " thank you um do you wanna stay for a minute i can roll up and cook something for us ?" being polite . He smiles showing off them dimples pulling me close." you fly shorty,.. you my type . i can chill with you" here this nigga go with pulling on me again i still didn't resist .i just nod my head then walk into my room .walking on my balcony taking a drag of the weed i wont ever put kai in danger by smoking in the house again. he sits down puts me on his lap comfortably then take the blunt from me as i stare at him getting lost into those hazel eyes . we talk & smoke for a hour straight just getting to know each other until i walk him to the door .kinda not wanting him to go i enjoyed his company i will admit. i stand on my tip toes to give me a hug .trying to pull back but he gives me a quick peak, i didn't expect him to do that just yet. i kiss him quick the same way back then he leans in for a deep passionate kiss ., he grabbed me around my waist & neck towering over me, its getting heated so i pull back."bye amir" i hug him again as he looks at me with lust in his eyes.he walks out towards his car looking back one more time then smiles at me as i smile back.i lean on the close door did i just kiss amir, am i starting to open up this bad?

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