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i woke up to my alarm going off i shot up quick shutting it off , looking at the time 9:30am i cuss to myself "damn" why didn't i turn the alarm of knowing its Saturday i wanted to get my beauty sleep until kai woke me up . i yawned and got up to use the bathroom and do my morning routine, i looked down noticing im butt ass naked remembering what went down with me and amir last night i slowly looked at the bed seeing no one made me kinda relived but confused . last night went farther then what i would have thought , we went from confessing our feeling to full blown almost fuck fest in my shower. i crack a smile thinking about the tasteful images but quickly turned it off as someone bust in the bathroom. i quickly covered myself up with a towel looking at trina like she lost her mind . she looked so amused " bestiee u a freak" smiling at me i finished brushing my teeth turning to her playing it off. "excuse me" "bitch u know what im talking about , i came to see where kai bottles was at cuz he woke me up crying i come in yo room i see amir and you all cuddled up & u barely was covered up with yo naked ass" i stare back at her for a minute as she look at me. " trina i told you where the bottles was you wanted to be nosy but yass it almost got real last night" smiling doing a lil dance , telling her everything while slipping on some comfortable clothes. "bestiee im proud of you, now we all can double date ." trailing on and on like she been waiting for this. even though amir said he likes me he still a piece of work and i dont need drama in my life right now. he still is out there and im in my own lane also im happy we didn't have sex because he would have left me after especially since he's nowhere around right now.  i go downstairs and see tj holding kai while he watch tv . i instantly goes to attack him with hugs & kisses . "kai, what they doing to you huh" talking in my baby voice . sitting down on the couch. "no what he doing to us he woke us up then he must've knew i was about to get some, young cockblocker." he say mugging kai me and trina crack up he really is mad at a baby. "ugly he maybe didn't wanna hear all that " smacking the back of his head getting up to get my phone off the charger. soon as i picked it up jason name flash across the screen. which makes me smile i still cant believe we got into contact and he showing he interested . i pick up

"hello" i say "hey gorgeous , good morning " he say i cant help but to blush ." hey jason " " well i was calling to ask is you available around 12 to go to brunch ? i feel like dinner is too long to wait" he chuckles i laugh as well at his eagerness but amir popped into my head but i quickly answered jason " um yea thats fine by me i have my nephew with me" i kinda forgot about kai maybe ms.georgia can watch him for a few." thats fine by me , ill call when im outside" "okay see you later"

hanging up feeling nervous ass hell its a date but not a date because kai is there its just brunch aniya .. without someone u use to daydream about when you was younger ..who is so handsome . i look at trina and tj their  looking at me letting me know they heard my whole conversation "what " i say scrolling thru instrgram . tj stands up "naw you know my cousin want you " i tilt my head to the side at that one " boy if he did he wouldve be here and amir is a cool dude but we don't go together i can go on a friendly date " standing up also getting in his face playfully. Trina bounce up "exactly best friend i say go,  jason fine ass hell and amir is not to be trusted we all know he was just with Tasha nasty ass yesterday getting infected." this hoe is right. we all laugh she do have a point but he seemed sincere when he said he was feeling me but he is a fuckboy which i know but im starting to like that side of him he shows me i cant lie.

BY MY LONELYWhere stories live. Discover now