Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring. BEEP BEEP BEEP. I inwardly groan as I shut the alarm off and throw my blanket off to the side. "Y/n get down here for breakfast!" I hear my mother yell. "Coming!" I yell back. I go to my closet and pick out a country style that would look nice for my first day at school. Why am I suddenly starting school later in the year and close to Christmas you ask? Well the last school and house I lived in, I ended up losing control of my elemental abilities and nearly blew up the school. The school said they would send me to a different school about 500 miles away and that it would help control my abilities. I scoff just thinking about it. I mean what kind of school would help me with this ability? I shake the feeling off and get into my school outfit that I picked for the day and head down for breakfast. I'm half way down the stairs when I smell bacon, eggs and toast being made. I get down the stairs and see my mom at the stove and my dad reading the paper at the table. "Morning everyone," I say as soon as I sit down. "Morning Y/n," they say at the same time. Mom then serves me up my plate of breakfast and I start to eat it. "You ready for your first day?" Mom asks me. "Not really, I mean this is like the fifth school I had to go to in the last few months because of my powers," I say. "Don't worry, this school should help you," dad says as he keeps reading the paper. I roll my eyes, then check the time. "I'm gonna be late for the bus!" I say as I get up and put my coat and bookbag on my back. I run out the door and to see the bus just turn down my road. The bus stops in front of me and I get on. I see all seats are full but one and it's behind a kid with a white hoodie or cloak on. His skin from what I could tell was as black as the night. I sit behind him, pull out my phone and plug my headphones in. (I do this all the time on my way to school). I put on my favorite song first then hit shuffle. The ride to school is about an hour from my house so I have all the time to just relax before school starts. I look out the window the entire ride.

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