Chapter 3

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The bell rang after being in the classroom for an hour. I get up and walk to what is supposed to be my locker. My locker was covered in blue, red, brown and white paper with a fire symbol on red, a water one on the blue, an air one on the white and a rock on the brown. There was also darkness, lightning, ice and different types of animals on it. Y/n softly smiled and opened her locker. She put her art stuff away and grabbed her English stuff. She went to the class and seen all the seats full except one. It was near Entity 303. She slightly blushed and sat next to him. Entity 303 smiled at Y/n. "Nice to see you again," he said. "You too," Y/n replied back. They paid attention to the teacher and her teachings. After all of Y/n's classes were over she hoped back on the bus and went home. When the bus arrived to her house, she got off and walked inside. No one was home and she realized that her parents had to work late again. She went upstairs and got started on her homework. After an hour of doing homework, she went downstairs and made herself something small to eat. After that she sat in the living room and turned on whatever seemed interesting. The front door opened only ten minutes later to her parents coming home from work. After talking to them for a few hours, Y/n went up to her bedroom and got ready for bed. After about an hour in bed she heard something being thrown on her window. She slowly got up, grabbed her bat and looked out the window. Below her was Entity 303. She opened her window and stuck out her head. "What are you doing here Entity?" Y/n asked. "I came to see you," Entity replied. She then climbed up the wall outside and made it into Y/n's room. Y/n had a better look at him. He was tall, white cloak and pants with his toned stomach showing and a few scars. Then she looked up at his face. Skin as black as midnight, red eyes with a brighter red almost pink pupils, and gold teeth. He had a 5 o'clock shadow showing and that only made him look like an adult. Entity got a better look at Y/n. Y/n was at least a foot shorter than him, with h/c hair, e/c eyes and s/c skin. She looked cute and innocent at first, but what he saw in Defense class with her, she was someone very dangerous.

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