Chapter 16

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"Herobrine?" I hear Entity question and peak over his shoulder to see that it indeed was Herobrine. I havent seen him since graduation, he was one of Entity's friends and was in on the bullying. I cower when he looks right at me and Entity. "Entity, I need your help, Notch is threatening to wipe out all of the cursed and powerful entities to become the only one," he says. Entity stiffens and turns to look at me. "If you're going, Im going," I say. Entity turns around and grabs me by the shoulders, "No you're not, you will stay here, its too dangerous," he says. I push him away in anger. "Too dangerous? Did you forget we went to the same school and I have powers to help?!" I yell. Entity paces. "I cant let you get hurt, not with Notch, he's too powerful, he'll hurt you to get too me and everyone else, I wont let it happen!" he yells back, trying to persuade me. I sigh in defeat, knowing he was right. I bow my head, tears falling. "Please come back to me in one piece, I can't bare to lose you," I plead. He walks over grabs the back of my neck and brings me in for a kiss. "I promise Ill come back," he says, then lets go and walks over to Herobrine. "Lets go before I change my mind," he says and walks into the portal with Herobrine behind him. Herobrine stoos, turns around and looks at me. "You make him happy and a better entity y/n, im sorry for all that we did to you in highschool," he says before he walks through the portal and the portal disappears. "Its ok," I whisper going back into the house, not knowing someone was watching me.

??? POV

As I watch Herobrine and Entity 303 converse, I get a better look at y/n. 'She'd be perfect for my army and taking down the entities that are in my way' I thought "All she needs is training and some torturous discipline and Ill have her fight the love of her life and all of his friends," I say chuckling going back to my castle.

Ooooh, I wonder who this could be. Im gonna let y'all take a guess in the comments and if you guess right, you get a cookie.

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