Chapter 12

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I take a minute to realize what Entity said and I look in his eyes, looking for some kind of lie. As I find nothing but love and adoration, I givs him a small smile. "I love you too Entity," I say. He smiles and gives me kisses all over my face. I giggle because it all tickles and I enjoy it. When he finishes, my stomach rumbles telling me Im hungry. My face flushes red and I bury my face in his neck as he chuckles. "Ill get ya something to eat y/n," Entity says as he picks me up like I weigh nothing and heads to my kitchen, like he knew the layout of my house. A few minutes later he returns with something that makes my mouth water and smells so damn good. I get a chance too see what was on the plate and I see cooked pork with rice. He sets the plate down in front of me and I scarf down my plate. He chuckles and I blush as I realize I ate like a pig. After a while, he grabs our plates and puts them in the sink, then comes over and gets into my bed with me. "I hope this is ok?" he asks. I nod my head and face towards the fireplace. I soon feel and arm wrap around my waist and I fall asleep with a small smile on my face.

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