Chapter 17

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Entity's POV

I walk out the portal and stand in front of Herobrine's mansion in the nether. Its gotten some upgrades, since last I seen his place. Herobrine follows out not a minute later and then the portal disappears. I watch with sadness as the purple disappears. "She'll be ok, I promise" Herobrine says. I nod and turn around going towards the mansion. I walk inside and see a black figure and a purple cloak near the entry way of the door. I recognize them as Null and DreadLord and smile, another two of my best friends from school. They see me and instantly run over to me, bringing me into a hug. After we pull away we walk towards what I assume was a battle room. A very large and wide table held a map, a very detailed map at that. I walked around a seen a giant red circle around Notch's kingdom. I growled lowly knowing that he was a threat. I stood in a corner, my thoughts running about y/n. I had to leave her there, she may be powerful, but Notch is worse, Notch could kill her with a swipe of his hand and I cant lose my happiness. I was so lost in thought that I didnt see, nor hear, Herobrine come to me. "Hey, you ok, you seem lost in thought?" he asked. "Yeah, just worried about y/n, I feel like leaving her behind was a bad idea," I say. "She's safer there, than here," he says. "I know," "If it makes you feel any better, Ill send someone to keep an eye and protect her for you, until you get back," Herobrine offers. "That'd be great, thanks" I say and Herobrine nods, walking away to find someone to take care of my y/n.


I walk back into my house, upset that I couldnt come along and help. I sit down in front of my fire place and stare at it for a while, taking some in my hand and playing around with it a bit. I close my eyes and concentrate when I hear a knock on my door. I put the fire back and answer my door seeing a Wither Skeleton in full Netherite armor. I stare at it confused before it speaks. "Are you y/n?" "Yes, who are you and what do you want?" I ask. "I am here on behalf of Herobrine, he has asked me to protect you, on behalf of Entity 303," he answers. I sigh and let him in, going back to my moment of peace and silence. He stands by the door and guards it, I just ignore him and do my daily routine. As Im taking care of my animals, the Wither Skeleton tackles me to the ground. "What the hell!!!!" I scream out. Then the skeleton gets up and attacks a figure. I get a better look and realize its one of Notch's men and I grab my sword from inside. As soon as I grabbed it, it was knocked from my hand and I see Notch standing in front of me. "Well, well, well, if it isnt Entity's little toy," he starts. I back away, "What do you mean?" I question. "Oh, you haven't heard? Entity is only using you for his needs and pleasures, he doesnt really love you y/n," he says, a smirk forming on his face. "You liar, he does too love me!!!" I yell. He just chuckles and pulls up a picture of him and another girl, the date being today. I start to tear up, how could Entity do this? "Take my hand and I could give you everything, a better man, a life, a better future," he says. I shouldn't take his hand, but I do and then he knocks me out.

Back to Entity's POV

I listen intently on how we attack Notch's kingdom when the Wither Skeleton that was sent to protect y/n comes running in battered and beaten. "She...was...taken," he pants. I run over and bring him to sit down. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Y/n, was taken by Notch, he walked out with her knocked out in his arms, I dont know what his intentions are with her, but it won't be good," he says. I stand up and clench my fists then punch a wall screaming. Herobrine runs over and tries to assure me, but I push him away and teleport back to her house. I walk in and see everything is in place, but a note lays on the kitchen table. I walk over to it and see its a not written by Notch.

Entity 303,

I have taken your precious and powerful y/n, she went with me willingly because I explained that you were with another woman, but I know you're not, it was only to gain her trust and have her on my side and in my army. If you're reading this, im brainwashing her at this moment and turning her into a weapon. Watching you and all of your friends fall in her hands will be the greatest thing to watch. Also after you are killed I will make her my wife and give me heirs to my throne and soon to be new kingdom. After heirs are born she will join the rest of you in the afterlife.

Yours truly,

I crumple the paper and fall to my knees screaming in anger as the love of my life was ripped away from my arms.

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