Chapter 2

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After an hour of being on the bus we finally arrived to school. I exit my seat and see that the school is big, bigger than the last school I went too. There are kids out front of the building hanging out, talking, laughing and even making out. I grimace in disgust at the groups of teens making out. I continue walking and enter the building. There are lockers on both sides each one is big enough to put anything in. They are in different colors based on who you are and what your powers are. I continue walking, looking for the principal's office. I eventually find it and meet her in her office. She sits me down and hands me a schedule. I see my schedule.

1- Art
2- English
3- History
4- Defense class
5- Math
6- Foreign Language
7- Agriculture
8- Study Hall

I put my schedule in my pocket and leave the office. I find my first class, which is art and walk in. Barely anybody is in there except me and the teacher. "Hello, I am Miss. Carol, I'm assuming you're the new student?" She asks. I nod my head in agreement. "Well, you can choose a seat, everyone in here changes seats all the time, so it's ok," she says. I sit down in the far corner to the right of the room where no one can really see me. Soon everyone comes filling in and sit down everywhere else. Then the last one to walk in was the kid I seen on the bus. He sat beside me, but didn't say hi or anything, like he didn't notice me. "Ok class, we have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?" She asks me. I nod, stand up and tell all about myself. Almost all the kids seemed interested, others just ignored me. I see out of the corner of my eye, the kid from my bus, place a not beside me. I sit down after introducing myself. I open the note and see the word hi on it. I look over at him and see beautiful red eyes. I get list into them until he says something. "My name is Entity 303," he says. "Mines y/n," I reply back. "Beautiful name," he says. I blush and say thanks. We both face the art teacher and she said that today was a study hall since she couldn't come up with something for us to do since it was so close to the holidays. I grab out a book and start reading. Entity 303 beside me looks over and starts to read the same thing I am reading. "What's that you're reading?" He asks. "It's a book on how to control elements," I say. "Elements?" He asks. " Yeah, I can control elements and sometimes they end up hurting people if I'm not careful," I say. He just hums in understanding and looks away. I go back to my book for the rest of the period.

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