Chapter 9

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4 Years Later


Its been 4 years since graduating and I have finally learned how to control my powers, "guess the school was really useful," I tell myself. As I walk around the village I have made myself at home with, I go by bookstores, blacksmith houses and even a few other cozy little houses fit for a villager and his/her family. They all come to greet me and trade with me. I have become a protector for them from the monsters that dare threaten the village. Of course I have help from the Iron Golem, but I manage to kill them off a little quicker than he does. As im strolling through the village making sure everything is in order and no creepers to come around a corner (hate it when it happens), a see a white cloak out of the corner of my eye. I stop dead in my tracks and look to where I saw the white. I get closer, and turn the corner, but do not see anything so I go back to my leisurely stroll. As it gets darker, I head back to my little cozy home I have built and prepare for a long rough night. The monsters seem to get more and more challenging and becoming a lot stronger, so upgrading gear was a must. As I enter my house, my dog, d/n, is no where to be seen as he/she is usually at the door to greet me. As I finally look up, I see the last person who I have hurt in front of me petting d/n. Entity 303.

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