Chapter 15

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Entity's POV

I wake up as I hear the zombies burn outside. I see y/n is still asleep and I bring her closer. Last night was amazing and Im glad she enjoyed it. I stare at her lovingly, when she stirs in her sleep. She opens her eyes and looks at me. I smile and lean down to kiss her, when she leans in and kisses me. I savor our kiss and dont let go of her. After a few seconds because of oxygen, I sit up better. Y/n makes grabby hands and I pull her up, forgetting she was still naked. I use my magic and dress us both in something comfortable. I carry her to the bathroom and sit her on the counter, rubbing her arms up and down. "You ok?" I ask. She nods tiredly and puts her head on my chest. I chuckle and stare at myself in the mirror. I look a lot happier and more of a lighter black color. I realize its because of y/n. She makes me the happiest being in all of Minecraft. As I stare longer in the mirror, she raises her head and stares at me. I look down and smile, giving her a kiss on the nose. She giggles and wraps herself around me. We walk out of the bathroom and back into the bed. "We have things to do today," I whisper. She whines, but gets up anyways. I follow along, watching her grab her gear and I grab my sword, sheathing it too my side. We go outside and I lean against a tree carefully looking around for any creepers that could sneak up on her. I watch her feed her horses, cows, pigs and chickens, before she goes and tills her little crop field. When she finishes, she comes over to me and pulls out a sword. "Wanna do a little sparring match, like we used to do a long time ago?" she asks. I drop my smile and sigh. "I dont know  if thats a good idea y/n, i could seriously hurt you," I say trying to convince her to forget about it. "Please, just one round?" she pleads. I sigh, giving up. "Fine, one round and thats it," She jumps for joy and puts her iron armor on. I pull my sword out and get into a fighting stance. She does the same and then leaps towards me, sword in the air. I move outbof the way and she skids along the ground, sword digging into it. She stands up, turns around and launches at me. I block her sword and I push her chest to give me more room and swing my sword down. She doesnt move, nor register and is cut by the tip of my sword. I stop and go check on her wound when she hits me with the butt of her sword, grabs my arm, pinning it to my back and then pinning me down. I lay face first in the grass and she leans over and whispers in my ear. "I win" She gets up and I turn around, sitting on the ground, a smile on my face. "Where did you learn how to do that?" I question. "After you left, I got someone to tutor me in self defense," Y/n says, putting her sword away and then helping me up. I grab her hand and stand up. She stares at me and then leans in for a kiss. I kkss her back, when the ground suddenly rumbles and up comes a nether portal. I push her behind me and pull out my sword. I see a figure come out of the portal and I instantly recognize who it is.......


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