Chapter 8

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I keep going to school, although Entity keeps trying to talk to me. I just walk away and ignore him. Its almost Christmas and the past month its been nothing but training and then after a lot of work, its been nothing but relaxing in school and now getting ready for Christmas. All the students and teachers have each given a gift and I myself haven't really got any because they didn't care for me. Not like I care anyways. As I go to my locker, I notice a small wrapped object on the outside of my locker door. I grab and open it seeing a ring with a red ruby in the middle. I dont know who got it for me because there is no note. I grab my stuff after pocketing the ring and opening the door. I walk away and as soon as I get outside, I see Entity walking towards me. I try to walk away, but to no avail. "Y/n please listen...." He goes but I stop him. "No, i dont want to hear it, i tried being your friend and all I got was you being a complete jerk towards me, then for some odd reason you want me to forgive you?!?!?! THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!!" I yell at him. He backs up with a distraught look then bows his head. "I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone from now on," he says as he finally lifts his head and tears ran down his face. He walks away and I let out a sigh of relief, but also a felling of guilt, but ignore it and get on the bus to go home. I spent all of Christmas break relaxing but also feeling bad for what I said to Entity. My feelings got the better of me and now, his feelings were hurt because of me. I wanted to go and apologize to him, but it was always to cold out, and yes my a part of my powers deals with snow and ice, but it doesnt mean I enjoyed the cold. I was going to apologize when break was over. Break finally finished after what seemed like forever, ad got on the bus, to not see Entity at all. I arrived at school and went searching for him, when I saw his group of friends all talking about something. I eavesdropped and I heard from them that he dropped out from school. I quietly gasped and walked away. I
'I drove him away?' I asked myself as I ran the opposite direction. I felt the guilt eat me alive for the rest of the year. When it finally came time for Graduation, I wasnt excited as everyone else was, I lkst the only person that had cared for me. Yes he did bully me, but when he tried to apologize, i just pushed him away, so niw it feels like it was all my fault. And well it was. After graduation, I moved out of my parents and found myself a job and a nice house.

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