Chapter 26

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Malcolm ran through the cave entrance, panting. "Bartholomew! Rafal's got him. He's got the sword and Maverick." What had he been thinking? He shouldn't have let Maverick leave the forge, not with Machiara. They were only separated from their halves in the forge and near Bartholomew. No where else. Maverick must have sent himself away, but to where, he didn't know.

The large dragon lumbered out, head low. Tell me this isn't true.

"It is. I'm sorry."

Then history will repeat, and the School Masters will be destroyed once more. Perhaps such beings aren't meant to exist in our realm.

Malcolm shook his head, spine rigid and brow tight. "Forget School Masters and magic. Forget all of it! My brother's in there and I want him back. How do I get Maverick back?"

Bartholomew lifted his snout, eyes catching the moonlight outside his cave. Claws scraped along the rocky ground. At this point, Rhian and Rafal will only leave of their own will or your deaths. If Maverick kills you, Rhian will be gone. It is safe to assume that it works both ways.

"There's gotta be another way."

None we can devise before Rafal uses your brother to kill you. There's only one way this ends.


Katrina examined herself in the mirror. With the Circus of Talents tomorrow and the Snow Ball soon after, all the princesses were preparing their ball gowns and dance steps. Jubilee had changed rooms after being scared to embarrassment by Katrina. She had tried to apologize, to make things right. The princess refused, be it pride or humiliation. Either way, she and Trysh now had their own beds and could spread out. Even got a full-length mirror opposite the window.

Which brought her back to this moment in her dress. Wrapped in blue silk and shimmery fabric, the high-low skirt trailed along the ground and accented her ribbon heels. The sweetheart neckline exposed her shoulders and opened the back, the white ribbon tie trailing down the nape of her neck to her knees. Hair pinned up with silver branches, she resembled a water nymph or winter fairy. Silver bracelets clinked on her wrist, but something was missing around her neck. Or perhaps it was the bow she didn't like. Or the skirt.

She stamped her foot, pink lips pushed into a pout. "This is the fourth dress I've tried and it still feels wrong. Why can't I pick a stupid dress!"

The air shifted in the room. A shadow appeared behind her. School Master. Maverick. Something glinted in his hand. The sword.

His gaze lightened, shoulders relaxed. "Kat, you look beautiful." She didn't respond, glancing toward the door. Though it sounded like Maverick, something felt off. Like another, stronger presence. "Can I see the front?"

She breathed deeply and turned. He examined the cut and ribbon. "I see why you're frustrated. It could be nicer." He snapped his fingers. Black smoke whipped around her for a moment before dissipating. "Try that."

Katrina looked toward the mirror, still uncertain about the presence she sensed. Or why she even sensed it.

All her worries vanished. The deep blue skirt billowed from her hip. Sparkly white ribbon layered the waist. The white underskirt showed, iridescent in the moonlight. The blue bodice laced together in the front, revealing more iridescent white fabric. Elbow-length gloves and a white shaul covered her arms in place of sleeves. Waves of brown hair fell in a high-ponytail, glitter showering every strand.

"How'd you..." She couldn't finish, feeling the fabric. She lifted the skirt to reveal glass slippers. Suddenly, it made sense. "Cinderella."

Maverick smiled. A genuine, sad smile. "You made me read it to you when you were six. The idea of a fairy godmother was so wonderful to you. Except you didn't like the dress."

She giggled, remembering the countless hours of trying to make Cinderella's story her happily ever after. The dress she wore now was of her own making. A dream she'd had so long ago. One she'd forgotten.

Katrina smoothed the skirt. "You're not the sentimental type. Where's Malcolm?"

He stood, patient. Quiet. Searching. He seemed to be taking in the moment, preparing for something. The presence was silent, hidden.

Maverick finally spoke, voice weighed down. "I need you to do something. You're not going to like it and it'll be hard."

She eyed the sword, the clean blade. No blood, so Malcolm had to be okay. Unless she was bait, but Maverick wouldn't do that. Perhaps the presence, but it remained silent.

He produced the hilt, holding it out to her. "I need you to take Machiara."

"And what?" Her voice barely reached a whisper, focus tied to the leather and steel. "Hide it? You have magic I can't beat."

"That's what the sword is for." His expression grew grim. Eyes heavy, muscles relaxed. Waiting for...

"No." She stepped away from the sword, eyes wide. He came nearer, but she held out her hands. "I'm not killing you. Why would you ask that?"

"Because if you don't, Rafal will kill Malcolm. He's only safe if I'm dead."

The atmosphere of the room got heavy. Desperate. Katrina sucked in a breath, the air thinning.

The presence returned. Maverick grew rigid, grip tightening around the blade. It had to be Rafal, the Evil School Master. From the weight of the room, he was stronger, taking over. She slipped her feet out of the glass shoes. If there was a time to run, now was it.

Maverick's eyes went black. Katrina ran. Out the door and down the stairs, she screamed for help. Skirt hiked up, she took the stairs three at a time. Heart racing, she pushed away the thought of her brothers' first arrival. The glow in their eyes. The power. The hate. She sensed the surge, could feel Maverick behind her.

She tripped on the underskirt and fell down the last flight. Thudding echoed up the pink tower and through the lobby. She landed on her back, head hitting the cold floor. The room was a wash of gold and white, a mashup of sounds.

One voice was louder, clearer. It came close, held her shoulders. Tedros' dirty blond hair and awed gaze came into focus. "Wow. You're..." His tongue fell flat, unable to speak.

Metal scraped behind them. The shadow appeared at the stairs. Hood low, a menacing laugh emanated from Maverick.

Katrina scrambled to her feet. Tedros moved in front of her, hand at his belt. Checking the room, she realized a number of princes were using the lobby as part of an obstacle course. Everyone had swords, though the professors had theirs out.

The presence filled the room with a cold hate. "A formal introduction is in order, Sir Garth."

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now