Chapter 8

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The twins sat awkwardly on the professor's couch as the teachers argued some more about what should be done. Malcolm kept trying to wrap the idea around his head. School Masters. Him and Maverick. Head of the School for Good and Evil and ultimate deciders of who attended. Seemed a little farfetched.

Then again, there was something else that didn't sit well. The School Masters had fought and one killed the other. That concern lined up with the weird thoughts circling his brain right now. What if they were the School Masters? Could history repeat itself? Nah, that's ridiculous.

Malcolm glanced at Maverick out of the corner of his eye. Maverick did the same, though his gaze had a colder tone.

Before his twin could tell him to stop thinking the worst, the teachers broke their huddle. The older woman spoke, the other two staying behind her. "Gentlemen, we've decided that it'd be best for you to stay. The auras surrounding the both of you are very strong and even if you're not the School Masters, it's something we should cultivate properly."

Maverick raised his hand, but more as a warning than asking permission. "You're saying you don't have a way to prove whether or not we're these School Masters?"

Malcolm disliked how tense the teachers got when his brother spoke. Despite their discomfort, the older professor pushed on. "That'll depend on what happens when we take you to the School Masters tower."

The twins exchanged a glance. How can a tower help? Regardless of the questions that swirled between them, the teachers left the room. Expecting them to follow.

Malcolm and Maverick quickly rose to their feet and ran to catch up. They kept ten paces behind the group of teachers, who were back to bickering as they exited the school and crossed the green fields. The sun lowered behind the blue foliage in front of them. The School of Evil, just a rivers-length away, already seemed to be drowned in night. Black spires clawed at the sky while fog led up to a white bridge and stopped at an invisible barrier.

Maverick nudged him as they stepped into the Blue Forest. "This place is weird. We should get out."

Malcolm rolled his eyes. "Your whole plan hinged on getting in. Right now, I doubt they'll let us leave."

His brother's nose shriveled in disgust. "My plan? It was our plan. Get in, save Katrina, get out."

Malcolm hung his head. "Well, we failed on all accounts."

Maverick grabbed his arm. Malcolm tensed against his grip, feeling the surge from earlier. They stared each other down.

"Gentlemen." Dovey, as everyone seemed to know the older professor as, stood patiently by a tree. The other two shifted uncomfortably, the man ready to strike at any moment.

Maverick let go and they continued forward. Professor Dovey knocked on the tree. Which, upon closer inspection, sat next to a tall tower. The worn gray brick hid well amongst the blue hues. The round top seemed miles high.

Malcolm voiced their concern. "We're not supposed to climb that, are we?"

Professor Dovey shook her head. "Not at all. That's why you must hatch a stymph." The twins cocked their heads. "A skeletal bird."

Malcolm gagged. "Please no. That sounds awful."

Maverick rubbed his neck. "Sounds cool, but I don't think a pigeon can get us up there."

Dovey scowled. "Stymph. And it's the only way up. Lady Sophie's tried to find a staircase or something, but there's nothing out here to reach the top."

Malcolm checked out the round chamber atop the long spire. "Good riddance, cause that's a long way for stairs."

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now