Chapter 22

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Tedros barely slept that night. He'd woken up from a dream turned nightmare. Arm around Katrina's shoulders, headed back to Camelot. He didn't even notice August in the background, arms around her waist. Those amber eyes burned with longing, his lips pressed to her ear. She wasn't there for Tedros, she was there for August.

Waking to find his roommate missing sent a jolt of worry. Katrina had mentioned running away in the night, but he hadn't taken it seriously. Now it made complete sense. Watching them from above near the waterfall, Katrina hanging on August's arm. It was all a game. One he didn't want to play.

Morning came. August had returned hours before the sun and rose like nothing had happened. Quiet, practically invisible. Yet he was ruining Tedros's life. Letting him think Katrina was all his with those pep talks and mysterious smiles, but he wanted her the entire time. Still had her wrapped in his charms.

Walking into Swordplay after a poor performance in Grooming, Tedros tried to stop thinking. Ignore what he saw the night before.

August came beside him, rested his hand on his shoulder. "Are you all right? You were quiet this morning."

His stomach churned, bile tickling his throat. Every nerve heated under August's scrutiny. Those amber eyes, so kind and deceiving. Tone soft and cryptic. Secrets and lies with a touch of honey. His mother was right; be careful who you trust.

The door opened. A man with thick gray hair, blood red eyes, and a scar down the right side of his face held it open for Sir Garth. He dressed similarly to the professor but less buttoned-up. His scowl rested on every face as he followed Garth to the front of the room.

Garth nudged his peer and whispered something. His scowl deepened as he buttoned his shirt and combed back his hair. "Gentlemen, this is Sir Scar, my second in command and most loyal friend. When you go out into the real world, your greatest advantage will be allies, specifically ones who will come to your aid no matter the risk.

"The second half of this year will focus on partner combat. When coming to someone's aid, you must have their back but not be in their way. Most missions fail because of friendly attack or fear of hurting a comrade. Partner up, but choose wisely; you'll be working together throughout class time and I expect the same interest and team-building outside of class."

Scar snorted, breaking the formality in the room. "Don't pick any one that bosses you around, otherwise you'll be stuck like me." He smirked while Garth relaxed his shoulders. "Now get moving. We don't got all day."

The princes shifted through the masses, some pairing up quickly while others kept second-guessing.

August gripped his arm. "I suggest we partner up."

Tedros grew cold, glaring at the blind prince. "And you want that why?"

If he was surprised by the out burst, he didn't show it. "Because we're friends. You're my eyes most days and I helped you win Katrina. Those can't be accomplished without trust."

"There's another thing that can't be accomplished without trust. Betrayal."

Now August reacted, eyes growing wide. "What do you mean?"

"Yes!" Scar shouted, his voice echoing through the room. Garth shook his head while his comrade grabbed dulled blades. "It took forever for the other professor to bring out the good stuff."

Garth regained the class's attention. "Now that you've found your partner, it's time to learn their strengths and weaknesses. In combat, you must play to each other's strengths and support each other's weak points, and there's no better way to learn than hands-on experience." As Scar passed out the blades, Garth gained a sly smirk. "For example, I'm a little slow when it comes to processing and reacting to in-combat changes. And Scar..." His foot shot out, immediately tripping the other adult. "Has limited peripheral vision, especially by his feet."

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now