Chapter 10

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Tedros didn't expect a little girl to be in Swordplay. After Garth had chastised him about flirting on his own time, the idea of a girl in his class seemed impossible. She was too young to be a student, which was good since he'd die if he wore his button up instead of sleeveless top.

Only a few days had passed at the school and already he could hear whispers among the girls about how they'd touched his skin or seen his pecs or wanted to cut his hair in order to sleep with it. Sleep with it. What crazed person wants to sleep with another person's hair? All the attention, and frankly worrisome attention, was overrated. Especially since there was one who wouldn't give him a second thought. The girl with gray eyes.

Professor Garth took his place at the front of the class. "Morning, gentlemen. I'm sure you'll notice that we have a guest. I'll introduce her if the need arises. Otherwise, best behavior."

He nodded her way. She jumped off her stool and grabbed the sparring poles. Dressed in a loose shirt and trousers, she hobbled over with the poles and handed everyone one. Cropped black hair tucked behind her ears and little dimples pinching her face, she resembled an angel. A tiny one since her head didn't pass any of their shoulders.

Garth continued. "Today, we're gonna spar. We've been going over basics the past few days and I'd like to see if anything stayed with you."

Basics were an understatement. How to hold a sword. How to swing a sword. How to block. How to dodge. Yawn. He could sword fight in his sleep.

Two other princes started, working through the motions like they had been doing for days. The next pair did the same thing. And the next. Time to spice it up.

Tedros faced off with another prince, slightly taller and leaner. Garth gave the go ahead, a single nod. Tedros swung first, overhand. His opponent blocked and pushed off. Tedros came back quick, swinging underhand. When he blocked, Tedros went around and hit his back with the other end of his pole.

"Hold," Garth said.

The others seemed impressed. Time for my compliment. "Oh Tedros, you're too advanced for this class."

"You think you're better than everyone here?" the teacher asked.

Tedros cocked his chin. "I won, didn't I?"

Garth smirked and pat the young girl's shoulder. "Meet Rachel. If you beat her, I'll let you teach the class." A shocked hum rolled through the crowd of princes.

Rachel grabbed a pole, shorter than the one he carried.

Tedros went along. She was half his size and thinner than a twig. No way he could lose.

Garth gave the go ahead. Tedros did an overhand like before. Rachel jumped back. Before he could pick his bow up, she somersaulted on top of it to keep it down. Her boots slammed into his chest and he flew back. He moved to stand. She planted her foot on him and pointed her sparring stick at his nose.

Professor Garth slow clapped. "Everyone, pay attention. Rachel is my daughter. She's nine."

Tedros blushed as the crowd jeered. They quieted quick when Garth glared. "I say this because I raised her to hold her own. She knows how to judge a situation and attack. You might go easy on each other, but the enemy won't go easy on you. They won't play fair. Don't be afraid to take the defensive route. Continuously striking will eventually leave you open and will make you predictable. If you take a step back, you're able to survey the situation and plan quicker instead of mindlessly swinging to your demise as seen here." He snapped his fingers and Rachel got off Tedros.

He climbed to his feet and brushed off his shirt, eyeing the crowd. Mixed expressions stared back.

Garth planted his arm around the prince's shoulders. "From now on, when I say spar, spar. When I say fight, fight. It doesn't matter who you are, who you're parents are, where you're from, whatever. I could care less and you can bet the enemy isn't looking up your lineage. Everyone is fair game. Including Teddy Bear."

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin