Chapter 16

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Time passed quickly, Katrina unsure how it was already time for the Trial by Tale. She'd heard nothing from her brothers in the past few weeks. A blessing and a curse as she had no idea what they were doing.

Students filed into the Theater of Tales, filling every row. The princes occupied the first half of rows while the princesses had the back. Katrina and Trysh stayed far away from the princes, not wanting to incur Jubilee's wrath again.

Their lives had become more of a nightmare after she was embarrassed by Professor Garth. They granted her every whim and wish, cleaning up her disasters and letting the belittlement continue. Just a glance from Prince Tedros would give them another list of chores. Cinderella's life looked better and better every day.

The Nature group leaders took their place on the stage, lined up in numerical order. Everyone waited silently. Well, all but the Nevers who whispered and jeered constantly. Castor and Pollux took the stage. "To win a Trial by Tale is one of the greatest honors at the School for Good and Evil."

A burst of magic exploded in the back of the room. A small balcony jutted out of the wall, metal railings wrapped in gold and black. The School Masters stood before the congregation, but Katrina didn't see them as brothers. Hoods low, their cloaks enveloped their forms and left an ominous feel in the room.

Simultaneously, they spoke. "Continue."

Castor nudged Pollux's head, trying to wake her from the fright of such an appearance. She continued, Castor jumping in throughout with a proud grin toward the School Masters. Attention was split between the presentation and the cloaked figures. One thing was certain: the Theater of Tales had never been so quiet.

"Now," Pollux said, "it's time to see who our thirty competitors will be for the Trial by Tale."

Castor grinned. "And remember, five extra first-place rankings to our winner. Hoping for a Never victory this year, right School Master?"

Pollux stamped on their foot and hissed at him. Everyone turned to the balcony.

The School Masters turned to each other, then back to the crowd. "We will see."

Castor and Pollux stepped away with nervous grins. The Forest Leaders composed themselves, avoiding the blank gaze of the School Masters. Each named their top Ever and Never for the competition.

Tedros II was named for Group 5. To Jubilee's dismay, another prince was selected for Group 7. Trysh breathed a sigh when she wasn't named for Group 8. The Never from Cadia Haven, however, was selected from her group.

Then came Group 14's satyr. Katrina held her breath, waiting for the answer. He announced, "From Group 14, Princess Katrina will represent Good."

Trysh grabbed her hand. They both thought the same thing. How come her brothers didn't keep her out of the trial?

* * *

Maverick and Malcolm sat on their floor, gawking at the announcement. Professor Dovey had wanted them to attend the Trial by Tale announcement to build morale or something. They'd ignored most of her requests for appearances, working on their magic and forging the sword. Aurum suggested fulfilling this one to prevent suspicions, so they compromised and sent their cloaks while using a spell to see through the hoods. They'd been reviewing the necessary spells for Machiara when Katrina's name was announced.

Malcolm thought of syllabuses and every report of the school's students appeared in their laps. "This can't be. There's no way."

Maverick sifted through the papers. "How could you let this happen, Aurum!"

The gold quill pulled her report out of the stack and wrote on the top of her page. She's an excellent student. You should be proud.

"Proud!" they shouted.

"The Trial by Tale is a death trap," Malcolm said.

"She won't make it out. Not without us," Maverick continued.

Aurum grabbed another sheet. You can't interfere. The decision is made. Besides, I thought she didn't want your input or help.

The twins looked at each other. The ceremony was over and the students were leaving the theater. They brought their cloaks back and let them fall to the floor.

Malcolm spoke first. "We should pause on Machiara. Make sure Katrina's prepared."

Maverick nodded. "We can review the Trial. See what happens, where and when."

Aurum scribbled on his page again. Remember, you can't interfere. Which means you can't talk to her.

Malcolm and Maverick turned to each other with a grin. "We don't have to."

* * *

"Thanks August for helping me study." Katrina walked down another aisle, looking for more books on spells to add to her pile. She spotted one at the top of the shelf and tried to grab it.

August came behind her and took it. "Of course. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Katrina blushed. The week had only begun with tougher challenges and she was worried about ending on the bottom. The lower performers seemed to excel under the pressure. August was a real life-saver and a breath of fresh air.

They walked over to a table in the library. Katrina yawned as she sat on the mushroom chair and placed her books on the stump table.

August sat beside her. "More important than spells is rest."

Katrina opened one of the books. "Pretty sure someone told that to Jubilee because she's the reason I've been up so late. She's absolutely furious that I got in and not her and is making me work as if I've already married Tedros."

He chuckled lightly, ensuring the turtle librarian didn't awake. "Never mind her. She's simply jealous of your accomplishments."

Katrina knew he couldn't see her, but she adjusted her dress and pushed her hair back anyways. No man had ever been so sweet to her. So kind. Yet he sat so quietly, never asking for anything. Who could be more perfect than that.

Her lips touched his cheek. August grew warm, cheeks flushed. His body stiffened as he straightened in his seat.

Katrina pursed her lips. "I'm sorry. It just... happened."

August turned to her, amber eyes staring into hers. His voice came in a whisper. "Don't apologize."

Katrina sat quietly, waiting for his next move. August closed the distance, not missing his mark. They kissed in the silent library, unaware of the witness.

Tedros stepped back into the aisle, clutching his books. He'd wanted to try again. Maybe show her he was more than a prince. But what was the point if his only true friend had her in his grasp?

Tedros backed into the wall and slid to the floor. He should've known. How could he have been blind to their connection? Why would she even give him the time of day when August was actually there for her? Except that he wouldn't be in the trials. He'd have to protect her for his friend. That's the least he could do.

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz