Chapter 18

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Maverick leaned over the edge of the balcony, gawking at the upstream current of horses. Three students were out, two Evers and one Never. Traps had been activated across the forest. But there was no mention of water horses. "Where did that come from? Malcolm, did you -"

"No!" he shouted from the table. "I didn't add anything. There was nothing about water horses or changing the flow of the river or anything like that." Their map was a glowing 3D projection of the forest, everything happening in real time. It could show them the traps and what was activated, but not where the students were.

Aurum the quill scribbled on a sheet of paper. The Trial by Tale can't be predicted. It's a living event, each obstacle different every year. Try as you might, you can't protect her from anything, so just watch.

The twins turned to each other after reading the message a second time. Maverick's blood boiled. Malcolm held down the map, white hair glowing in the darkness. "Don't even think about ripping apart this map."

Maverick huffed loudly, but his anger still simmered. "Nothing I hate more than doing nothing."

Malcolm nodded, running toward the balcony. They searched side-by-side, but they couldn't find their sister.

Katrina breached the surface of the water, gasping for breath. The rush of the altered current pulled her deeper into the woods. She swam hard and grabbed an exposed root. The river foamed and sped onward. She pulled herself onto the bank.

Drenched and cold, Katrina huddled by the massive trunk. Everything looked the same from all directions. She had no idea where she was and definitely had no sense of how long she was under. She was lost beyond doubt with no way of getting found.

She checked her belt. Still had her white handkerchief. A little cold and dizziness wouldn't stop her though. She crawled further from the river, trying to avoid the wind. The trees filtered the air through their leaves, sturdy against the nearing winter.

Katrina pulled her cloak off and tried to remember that drying spell she had learned. Her numb fingers shook as she recited the spell with a shaky breath. Her left middle finger barely glowed, the spell faltering. She needed to get warm.

Her limbs ached as she collected a small amount of wood and started a low fire. The blaze warmed the bitter forest. She clenched and unclenched her fingers and arms. Feeling started to come back. Her cloak hung on a low branch by the fire, drying the old-fashioned way. The crackle of the fire echoed through the trees, concerning Katrina. What if someone found her position? Snuck up behind her?

An explosion startled her. She scrambled to her feet, fists raised. Red and white sparks flew into the air some distance away. An Ever and a Never out. Made her chances better.

The low crackle of her fire got louder. She'd kicked her pile in her rush, sending burning limbs onto the tree across from her. The fire burned a brilliant blue as it climbed upward.

"No, no!" Katrina grabbed her cloak and tried to squash the flames. They were too big. The tree sparked and ignited like a fireball. Flaming leaves scattered and lit other trees, spreading the fire.

Katrina ran toward the river. Maybe she knew a spell that could spray the trees. Or remove oxygen from the area. Something. Anything. She drew a blank.

She skidded to a stop. The river should've been here. But there were more trees. Miles of just trees. The flames grew closer, advancing quicker after every explosion. Smoke filled the area, thick and black. No way out. Just darkness.

Katrina ducked, trying to avoid the smoke. She coughed as ash blanketed her brown hair and navy uniform. She covered her mouth with her cloak, hiding her tears in the fabric. She shook, laughter filling her ears. Jubilee's taunts echoed through her mind. Then a different, strange voice filled her ears.

"They can't help you." It rung like a sick lullaby, overtaking the jeers. "Your brothers can't save you anymore. It's only you and the world. But you're not strong enough." The flames screamed, but the voice rang louder. "Who are you? What could possibly be your purpose? There's only two School Masters. Two sides of the same coin. There's no room for a third."

Her breath caught. She knelt in the woods, fire burning lower. The smoke slowly dissipated on the breeze. But she felt nothing. No warmth or chill. Joy or fear. As if she was a wisp, a spirit not really there. Or not supposed to be.

"Don't tell me you didn't think about it." Before her stood the Never from Cadia Haven, covered in grime and ash. He had a sad smile, voice low. "Your brothers would've never come, never taken their place in the tower, unless you were brought here. You lead them to the school, and that's your only purpose in this place. Not to win a prince or prove you can beat the rest. Why else would you work so hard?"

Katrina gasped through tears. His voice. A Siren's song. She could hear it in his tone, but she couldn't fight the words. Could see his glowing finger, but couldn't move. Paralyzed by a truth buried deep in her heart. She was a third wheel to the School Masters. Insignificant beside legends. No one would remember Katrina of Tenmire.

A foot of ashen grass stood between them. The Never pulled a dagger off his belt, smile never wavering. "You're tired of trying to be better. To be relevant. Let me end your misery for you." His dagger rose over her head. She couldn't move, his hold too strong. But why even try?

"Get away from her!" A sword gleamed over her head, blocking the black blade. Tedros II swatted the dagger away and moved in between them. The Never stumbled back, hold broken. The prince turned to her. "Go. Run!"

Katrina scrambled away into the trees. Metal clashed as they fought behind her. She stumbled some distance away and pulled herself against a trunk. Breath raspy, she glanced back.

Most of the trees were burned stumps. Tedros leaped onto one and beat back the Never. A short distance from her, another Never slunk toward them. Knife in hand.

She had to do something. He couldn't fight both of them. Katrina searched the ground for a weapon as the girl got closer, licking her lips. She screamed, "Tedros, behind you!"

He blocked and turned, seeing the other Never. He blocked her strike and jumped away, keeping both Nevers in front of him.

Katrina searched for something. Anything. Her hands scoured the ground, clasping a heavy branch. Perfect.

Tedros yelped. The Nevers had him surrounded on both sides. He'd block one knife and dodge another. The Never girl was closest.

Katrina ran out from the trees and swung high. A sickening crack and the Never collapsed. Blood marred a wound on her head. Her red handkerchief hit the ground and she vanished in a burst of sparks.

"Gah!" The last Never ran toward her.

Tedros tripped him, sending the boy into the dirt. Clouds of ash puffed upward as Tedros found the red handkerchief and stomped on it. The boy disappeared, leaving the two Evers.

Tedros breathed heavily, running his hand through his dirty blond hair. Beautiful blond hair, shocked eyes a marvelous blue. Katrina realized he was the first Ever she had seen in this horrific place, eyes watering at the relief.

He cleared his throat. Katrina wrapped her arms around his neck before he could speak. She cried into his shoulder, relief and worry overwhelming her senses all at once.

Tedros stumbled slightly, putting an arm around her shoulders. "It's fine. He's gone."

She pulled herself off him, wiping away tears with no success. Through watery vision, he seemed pale. Sweat poured down his brow as his arms shook. Katrina sucked in her tears. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head, still bewildered. "Wrong?"

Katrina's eyes wandered to his side. Blood seeped out of a hole in his tunic. She didn't have energy to scream.

Tedros noticed her gaze and touched his side. Blood stained his hand. "That's a problem."

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now