Chapter 23

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Garth crossed his arms, staring at the prince before him. He thought he'd given attention to each student, learned what he could about every prince, nobleman, and commoner. Yet today, eyeing August's auburn hair, amber eyes, and confident countenance, he realized he missed one. And this one in particular gave him an odd familiarity.

The prince didn't face him, not unnatural for someone who was blind but strange for August. He normally made a point to focus his gaze as if he could see. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Garth analyzed him for a few more moments before speaking. "I'd like to know what you and Prince Tedros were discussing. I heard pieces, one being a break in curfew."

"I don't think you want me to rehash teenage squabbles of the heart."

"Then stick to the curfew. How often have you been slipping out and why?" August shut his mouth, lips tight. Garth approached the bed and leaned on the metal base. "Breaking curfew is a violation. And depending on what you were doing, could get you thrown out. So, how long and why?"

The prince met his gaze. Those eyes. Blank, yet intense. Unseeing, but observant. So familiar.

August grinned slightly. "Has it come back to you yet? I would've thought you'd discover me sooner since my research brought you here."

Research? Discovered him? Garth had never been in Blood Haven, and certainly didn't get help becoming a professor. The boy's eyes made him think back, before being trapped in an ice coffin by Bartholomew, before defeating Stephan, before the Snow Ball. His plot to decipher his feelings for Lilac that fateful night had stemmed on one page he'd discovered in a history book. Hidden research on nemesis dreams, conducted by a blind professor.

Garth moved back, suddenly seeing the resemblance. The face, the eyes. Everything about August screamed Professor Sader, just a much younger version. "How?"

August held his side as he sat up. "Just as the School Masters were reincarnated and brought here, so was I. Though while they are to continue on as the School Masters, I'm fairly certain this will be my last adventure before I reach the afterlife."

Garth wasn't sure how to respond, given he'd been training and chastising his old history professor for months now. His thoughts paused when he ran through the explanation a third time. "Reincarnated? As in same souls back again?"

The prince, er history professor, shrugged with a confused expression. "It's strange. From what I can tell, Malcolm and Maverick didn't grow up around magic, so Rafal and Rhian were dormant in their bodies. Now here, our former School Masters have awoken in them and are trying to influence the new ones. Two personalities with similar interests, but fairly different feelings about their sibling."

"So they know who I am?"

"Maverick does. At least what Rafal has told him. You have nothing to fear from Malcolm and Maverick, but Rafal is alive and he is a concern. Hence why I've been breaking curfew to help them remove the old School Masters. They have part of a plan, but I must ensure that history doesn't repeat itself."

Garth took mental notes. Professor Dovey would want to know all of this, and the fact her old friend was alive. One thing bothered him though. "Their sister, Katrina."

August grew sullen, bowed his head. "Unfortunately, I can't see what part she plays in their struggle. All I know is that she was brought here for a reason beyond my sight, and her connection to the new School Masters might be important for the near future."


Tedros entered the Blue Forest. The lunch lines had dwindled significantly, everyone set up within the trees and enjoying their food. He jogged toward the line when he noticed Katrina closer to the front. Unruly hair and wrinkled sweater, she seemed small and uncertain. Her eyes scanned the area. Until they landed on him. Her reaction was... mixed.

The prince sighed before closing the distance and coming beside her. Katrina's confused expression became more shock, her gray eyes widening and jaw falling. Her voice came in a whisper. "Ted. What..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached toward his eye.

He took her hand in a gentle grip. "Swordplay didn't end so well. Little disagreement with August."

At the mention of his name, she hardened. She dropped her hand and smoothed her skirt stiffly. "What'd you disagree about?" The chill in her voice was eery.

Before Tedros could respond, an all-familiar squeal rang through the air. Jubilee came running, mouth agape. "Teddy! What'd that witch do to you!"

Katrina launched forward. Jubilee screeched to a halt, nearly screaming. Tedros could feel the growl that emanated from Kat. "I've had enough with you! You're bossy, self-centered, and completely ignorant. I'm done letting you walk all over me and Trysh! Stay away from Tedros, stop ordering us around, and get a brain. Don't forget that my brothers can turn you into an ugly, slimy frog!"

Everyone in the area froze. A pale Jubilee shrank under Katrina's demanding presence. Even the air stilled. Jubilee backed away carefully, eyes glazed. Katrina remained tense and poised to pounce.

Tedros touched her arm. Katrina turned quickly, red in the face. Seeing him, her expression contorted oddly. Yet somehow, he knew she wanted to break down. Was holding a strong presence to hide the tears in her eyes.

He offered his free hand. She took it shakily. They grabbed two baskets and he directed her to the trees for privacy. Amongst the blue foliage and light layer of snow, peace seemed to permeate his being. Tedros remembered all the lunches here, fantasizing a moment with a beautiful princess. Despite her current appearance, Katrina was still the most wonderful of all the young ladies.

She curled up beside him, eyeing the ground. "I'm sorry about that. She's been an absolute pain."

Tedros relaxed against a trunk. "I believe that, but I don't think that's the reason you snapped." She didn't meet his gaze. "I saw August leave our room and you joining him last night."

Katrina shot up, cheeks pale. "What? No, Ted, I..."

He stopped her with a calming gesture. When she settled, he continued. "August told me nothing happened, but couldn't explain why he was out."

Despite the warm light, Katrina shook. He didn't get much warning, the explanation spilling out in a complicated ramble. How her brothers, the new School Masters, were building an old sword that could kill them. Something about removing other personalities and having no other way. And August being reincarnated; he was actually the old history professor who had given his body for the Good School Master and that connection brought him back.

As the rambling went on, Katrina shook more. Her breath came in gasps as she choked, "I feel pointless and worthless, only good for one thing: bringing them here. And it might end with me losing my brothers, my two best friends, forever." The tears she'd been holding streamed down her cheeks. Her body shuddered with the effort.

Tedros pulled her into his chest, rubbing her back reassuringly. She clung to his middle, pressing her cheeks into his beating heart. They sat there for a long time in each other's arms, Ted wishing he had August's tranquil tone and comforting words. But all Katrina needed was his grasp.

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now