Chapter 6

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The lush forest fell away to brambles and death. Rocky terrain and black earth surrounded them. Smoke and rotting flesh permeated the air. What kind of prep school was this?

"Stay with the group, Mav." Malcolm's eyes wandered more than his, but his concern was genuine. This place was a real dump that left chills down Maverick's spine. And that was difficult to do.

"You sure we're going the right way?" he asked.

Kergy rolled his eyes. "Yes, this is the right direction. Ask me one more time pup and I'll rip your throat out." Under his breath, he grumbled to Jerald. "And you wonder why I ended things with Yelma."

Maverick ignored them and their squeaky wheels, trying to find some sign of the mystical school. They were actually getting somewhere, despite wandering aimlessly and stumbling upon strange hooligans. All a means to an end: getting his sister back.

Malcolm came beside him and tugged his arm. "Maverick, up ahead." Amidst the gray and bleak was a golden gate, twin swans adorning the top. Its majestic design and effortless inscriptions stood out against their awful surroundings. "We're here."

"Told you." Kergy snapped the reins so the horses moved onward. "Jerald, release the bug."

Jerald pulled a jar out of the back and removed the lid. "Off you go." A blue pixie flew out and over the gate.

Maverick eyed the pair. "Kidnapping pixies?"

Jerald snorted as they slowed at the gate. "Best way to get messages out fast is by pixie. Especially at this school."

Kergy stopped the horses and hopped off the bench. "Well pups, we have business to take care of. You can handle yours afterword, though I doubt they'll let you in."

"Major security," Jerald confirmed as he stepped out of the back.

Malcolm forced a grin. "I'm sure they're understanding."

Kergy nodded, though it felt like a pity nod rather than a serious one. Maverick nudged his brother and rode into the trees. Whatever these goons said, they were getting in. And if there was little chance of being welcomed, they'd have to welcome themselves.

Maverick and Malcolm dismounted and tied their horses to a mostly sturdy tree. They stood against the large wall as the gates opened.

A man with black hair and crystal blue eyes stepped into the forest of death. Dressed in black and red, he looked like the perfect mix of good and evil. Something that bothered Maverick for some reason.

"Garth, you tramp," Kergy greeted, linking arms with the man. "Good to see you. Though I'm not sure how I feel about you teaching at this awful school."

Garth released the grip and smirked. "I'm starting to question too. These princes are more entitled than the ones in our day."

"I could've told you that."

The professor scanned the forest, concern on his face. "You're here, so I assume you found her."

Kergy motioned to Jerald. The pig man grabbed the burlap sack and shuffled to them. "Good to see you, bud-"

"Why the bag?" Garth rested his hand somewhere on his belt. Probably a sword. The burlap shifted, a scream escaping the material. He forgot his position in the gateway and ran to the sack.

Maverick grabbed his brother's wrist and pulled him through the gate and into the school. They jumped into blue bushes, peeking back at the bounty hunters and enraged professor.

"What were you thinking!" Garth shouted. He opened the bag. Little arms wrapped around his neck and he picked up a young girl with tangled dark hair and tear-stained cheeks. "It's okay, poppyseed. Daddy's here. You're okay."

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now