Chapter 20

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Malcolm sat beside Maverick against the wall of books, facing the balcony and the morning sunlight. Maverick pulled his blanket around him, asleep on top of a book. But Malcolm couldn't sleep. Not after what he saw.

The final hours of the Trial by Tale were a breath of relief. And a new discovery. Malcolm's aura vision revealed Katrina and Tedros II's colors, Kat a delightful green and Tedros a light blue. But every moment they spent together, every hand hold and conversation, their colors grew more alike. At the end of the Trial, them together and alone, they shone a bright blue-green that lightened Malcolm's heart and made him think there was more to auras. Even now when he looked, they retained that new, glimmering color.

"Love." Rhian appeared beside him, legs crossed at the ankles. "It's a strange force. But it's marvelous to watch the first moment when two Evers realize they care for one another. I miss the sight."

Malcolm stared at his hands. "I never thought anyone would be good enough for her. But. . ."

Rhian grinned. "You liked what he said."

"I liked his sincerity."

The old School Master chuckled. "The other strange thing about love: even if you wanted to stop it, it's impossible." He vanished with his chuckles, leaving Malcolm with an odd feeling deep in his gut.


Garth held Rachel's hand as they walked toward the north gate. The students woke slowly, taking advantage of the late start because of the Trial. Perfect timing since he got word that someone was waiting at the gates. At least it was opposite of the tower. He didn't want Rachel anywhere near the School Masters.

The golden gates opened soundlessly when he touched the glistening emblem. On the other side was a black Clydesdale pulling a small carriage. Scar grinned as he slid off his horse and came toward Garth. "Good to see you, Professor."

Garth scoffed as he took Scar's arm in greeting. "Remind me why I took this position."

"So I could make fun of you." They laughed. Until a joyous yip and a girly squeal shocked their nerves. Scar ran his fingers through his gray hair as his shoulders relaxed.

Tanner clung to Rachel for dear life a little longer before pulling away. His freckled face grew redder than his hair as his brown eyes stared at the grass. "You had us all so worried. I wasn't sure what to tell your mother when I couldn't find you."

Rachel tugged at the baggy pants Garth had found for her. "Sorry. I wasn't really thinking."

"Rachie!" A toddler clambered out of the carriage, curls flying across his face.

Garth's heart leaped. "Kalek." He ran and picked up his son, pushing his hair out of his little face.

His big green eyes sparkled as he wrapped his tiny arms around his neck. "Daddy! You're here too?"

Garth kissed Kalek's forehead. It had felt like a lifetime since he'd seen his family. Lilac wasn't in the carriage. If only. What he would give for a kiss or a hug. He missed telling her about his day while Kalek and Rachel ran screaming through their cottage. Would he have a story for her.

His joy vanished. The tower. It was so far, but he could see the School Masters watching the gate. Watching him. With his son. His arm got tighter around the squirming boy as he protected Kalek from their view.

Scar noticed the instant tension. He followed his friend's gaze and found the tower. An unintentional snarl emanated from him.

Tanner tugged on Scar's arm. "Father. Are you okay?"

Scar motioned toward the carriage. "Get inside. We'll ride Lapel up to the castle."

Kalek yipped, hands raised. "Yay! Horsey!"

Garth set Kalek on the bench while Tanner led Rachel into the carriage. Garth shut the door and came alongside Scar as he got on the Clydesdale. They couldn't seem to move fast enough for him. "Why'd you bring Kalek?"

Scar averted his eye from the tower as the gates shut. "He's like you: stubborn. I didn't realize he was with me until I was too far to turn back. Now, who's in that tower?"

"The new School Masters. Practically boys who say they don't remember anything, but the Evil one seems to be lying."

Scar snarled, gripping his reins with white knuckles. "You should've told me they were here. I wouldn't have brought Tanner."

Garth sighed as they reached the stables, out of sight from the tower. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

Scar loosened his grip, shoulders slack. Ever since they met for the first time, he knew Garth was different. Loyal, smart, caring. As a wolf, he'd promised to be there for him. Return his kindness and loyalty no matter where it took him. As a man, he held true to that promise through wars and conquests. And now, back at the school that brought them together, his promise echoed through his mind.

They stopped in the stable. Garth was about to let the kids out when Scar grabbed his arm. They locked eyes, scars nearly identical. "Circumstances aren't ideal, but I'm not about to abandon you now. Whatever happens from here on out, I'm with you."

Garth's worry subsided. He smiled at his best friend, happy for the support. Scar released his arm and they helped the kids out. They ran about as Scar and Garth untacked the stallion. Scar commented, "I draw the line at teaching those prissy princes though."

Garth chuckled. "I actually have one that's gained my respect."

Scar raised an eyebrow. "What'd he do?"

"He let someone else win the Trial by Tale."


Tedros leaned against a tree, watching Katrina from afar. Katrina. Such a beautiful name. He'd never forget that moment, alone beside her. Giving her the recognition she deserved. Telling her how he felt. Yet somehow, he had more words in his heart.

"Are you going to keep staring or go talk to her?"

Tedros yelped, finding August behind him with a half-eaten sandwich in one hand. Camelot's prince hadn't even touched his basket, to enthralled by the sight of Katrina being congratulated by every Ever in the school.

August cocked his head, amber eyes piercing. "I would've thought after I backed off you'd go after her."

Tedros grabbed an apple from his basket. "Why did you back off?" August had never given a reason, which made him more irritated with every passing moment. But it seemed the mysterious prince would remain a mystery. "As much as I'd like to go over there, Jumpy Jubilee will... well..."

August smirked. "Jump you?"

Tedros sighed, attention locked onto Katrina. "If only I could take her away from here. See her someplace far away from Jubilee. A place for the two of us."

August talked about something school related, but Tedros couldn't pay attention. His singular thought was on seeing Katrina again. How much simpler it would be to redo the Trial by Tale. If only such a feat were possible.

"Just go to her." Tedros glanced at August, finding an understanding smile. "I'll take care of Jubilee."

He smiled back and ran out of the trees, pushing past people for the straightest shot at Katrina.

He grabbed her hand, face inches from hers. His breath caught, taking in her beautiful eyes and flawless face. "Have lunch with me?" It sounded so corny and forward, but it was all that came to mind.

Her lashes fluttered as her hand closed around his. "Yes."

They walked toward the trees, hand in hand. Jubilee screeched from a distance, held down by vines. August kept his mind on the spell, trying to suppress his envy of Tedros. And yet, he still wanted the girl.

The School for Good and Evil: Return of the School Masters (fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu