Chapter 4.

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How was it only Wednesday? I sighed walking to my locker, gripping the strap to my bag. Tooru called me last night. He tried to put this all on me again, then preceded to try and get me to go back home. I don't know what more to do. What will it take to make him understand?

I walked to the front doors of the school to wait for Asahi. I just wanted some time to think before seeing him when I stopped in my tracks.  I saw Oikawa standing a few feet away from me. My breathing caught in my throat at the sight of him. Why is he here? "Hey baby." He said smirking at me. "T-Tooru! What are you doing here?" I asked silently. Why does his appearance still effect me this way? Why does my heart still ache for him as I stare into his eyes? I shouldn't still want him. But why is my body moving towards him so quickly?

He embraced me tightly as I snuggled into his chest. I missed his scent, his touch. My heart was breaking but my body still wanted to feel him, to be near him. "I missed you babe.." He whispered in my ear. "I..Tooru, what's going on? Why are you here?" I asked again against his chest, avoiding eye contact at all costs. He chuckled deeply as he lifted my head by my chin slightly. He stared into my eyes, searching as he spoke. "I said because I miss you. I miss you beside me (Y/N). I can't sleep. I can't think. Please come back home with me.." He pleaded. My heart felt like it dropped to my stomach. Why is he doing all of this?

Before I could respond, he captured my lips with his own. My mind emptied as I returned his kiss. I can't deny that I missed this. I miss him. I miss us. He held my body close to his, clutching the back of my head deepening his kiss. It was a kiss that he seemed to want to make an impact. And boy did it. I couldn't think about anything but him in this moment. I felt like we were the only ones on this planet. "T-Tooru.." I whispered, out of breath as he hummed in response, kissing my neck in the process. "Tooru, please." He looked at me with hunger in his eyes. "What is it princess?" "Tooru you can't just come here and do that. We're not together.." "You didn't seem to mind.." He said in a low voice near my ear. The feeling of his breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. He continued to kiss my neck as he found my sensitive spot. I let out a soft moan as I felt him smirk against my neck. "Please princess. One more night together." "T-Tooru.."

"(Y/N)? Everything alright?" I jumped as I heard Asahi walking toward us. He glared at Oikawa, not taking his eyes off of him. "Azumane.." Tooru stated, acknowledging Asahi's presence. "Oikawa. (Y/N) I'll ask again. You alright?" I sighed as I nodded. "I gotta go Tooru.." "Please (Y/N) wait. Let's get dinner ok? I just want to talk. We can go to that ramen place you love so much." "Y-You remember?" I asked stunned. He smirked down at me. "How could I not? We used to go there so much.." He stated as he caressed my face with his hand. "This isn't a good idea (Y/N).." Asahi is probably right. This isn't a good idea. I'd end up falling for whatever Tooru fed me to keep me hooked and I'd eventually go back to him. Back to the way things were. That's just how Oikawa was.

The second I would threaten to leave, he'd do whatever I wanted. He tried to keep me happy for long enough and then go back to his ways. He always knew what to say, what to do just to keep me. He also knew I couldn't resist him. I was a love struck stupid girl. Even looking at him now, all I wanted was to be with him, mentally and physically. But how could I be with someone who also scares me? The fact that my body was drawn to him but not my heart? It terrified me. I don't want him to hurt me anymore. I won't allow it. "I-I'm sorry Tooru. I really should go.." "But (Y/N)..!" "She said no Oikawa." Asahi said sternly beside me. He rolled his eyes at Asahi as he looked back at me. "Fine. I'll go. I'll call you later..princess." Tooru said as he kissed my cheek, walking away from the school.

"What the hell was that!" Asahi asked sternly beside me. I cringed at his voice. "I-I'm sorry! It's like my body had a mind of its own. I saw him..and..I couldn't stop myself." I said with tears streaming down my face. "I hate that he hurt me Asahi but..but I can't just stop my love for him. I loved him for two years! Every day. With everything I had. Even when..when things were bad I still loved him so much. How am I going to do this Asahi? How could I possibly even move on if he still effects me this way?"

He looked at me sadly. "I don't know (Y/N). But him randomly showing up definitely won't help. You need time to yourself. Time to find yourself and your true feelings for him. You haven't seen him for a little while. Of course your first reaction is to react that way. You miss him. I get it. But please, please don't play into his hands. You know how he is. I don't want to see you get hurt any further." I knew he was right. I mean of course he was. This is the longest I haven't seen Tooru. Of course I would subconsciously miss him, want him. I felt like I was starved of his touch the second I saw him. I hated this feeling. The feeling of, does he really miss me or does he just miss the thought of me? I sighed as I looked back at Asahi. He looked at me sadly. "I'm just..gonna go back home.." I stated in a whisper. "Are you sure? You can come to practice if you want!" I nodded, hugging him quickly. "Yea..I'll be fine. I need time to myself for now." He nodded as I turned, walking home.

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