Chapter 13.

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Tanaka got the first score! "Yea Tanaka!!" I yelled from the stands. Tanaka and Noya were screaming in celebration which lead to Daichi raising his voice, scolding them. I'm not gonna lie..that was hot. I bit my lip looking down at him. They may have just gotten a warning but that just made me feel some type of way for Daichi. "How childish." I heard Oikawa say.

Asahi got the next one. As I was about to cheer on my best friend I heard people talking. 'Wow, that ace looks like a grown ass man!' 'He's gotta be at least 30 right?' "Hey! Stop talking about my ace got it!?" I warned glaring at the two guys. They murmured their apologies as I turned my attention back to the game. I heard Oikawa obnoxiously yawn and rolled my eyes. I saw Hinata out of the corner of my eye make his way to the net. I smirked as I leaned forward waiting to see the pure magic happen. "Hinata!!!!" I yelled in celebration as he scored. They didn't do their quick attack but, just the way Hinata jumps so high is magic all it's own. "Wonder if they perfected it because that just wasn't it.." Oikawa said loudly. "Yea they did so I would watch my back if I were you." I said glaring at him. His little remarks and rudeness were starting to pissing me off. Iwa noticed me, his face lightening up.

Oikawa stood up walking toward me. "(Y/N). Of course you would be here. It's good to see you babe." He said as he walked over to me. My eyes were glued to his gaze. He reached me, placing his hand on my face, caressing my cheek. I scoffed as I pushed his hand off of me. "Didn't you want to try and be friends Oikawa? Friends don't do that and I'm not your babe. Move it along now. You just pissed me off." I motioned for him to go away as Iwa pushed him. Iwa walked to me, shielding me from Tooru. "How are you?" He asked, wrapping me in a hug. I hugged him back quickly, trying not to miss the game. "I'm doing good Iwa. How are you?" He rested his arms against the rail watching Karasuno as well. "Good. Dealing with Oikawa. But good." He said smiling at me for a moment. "So. Is that your manager jacket or.." I rolled my eyes at his annoying voice. "No Tooru. It's Daichi's. He's my boyfriend now. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I said proudly, catching Iwa's shocked expression as I turned my attention back to the boys smirking. They were playing really well today. They're about to win the first set already. I couldn't be more proud. My heart felt like it was about to burst.

"Well (Y/N), I hope your boyfriend wins so we can play him. And when we play him, I'm gonna make sure he loses. He won't take this win from me either. He can't have my girl and the game!" I glared at Oikawa, fists clenched and ready to punch. "What is wrong with you! Kindaichi! Get him out of here!" Oikawa and I glared at each other as 'onion head', as Hinata calls him, took him out of sight. "I'm sorry about him. He's still..hurting." I scoffed looking back to the court. The second set already started and I missed some of the game. Daichi's eyes met mine for a second and I instantly calmed down. "Iwa..I was hurting too. I was hurting for a long time. He has no reason to hurt. He caused it all. But you know what?" I asked smiling at Daichi playing. "If he never hurt me..then I would've never met Daichi." I looked up at Iwa smiling. He smiled back down at me. "Well then. You seem more than fine (Y/N). And that makes me happy." We hugged once more as he made his way out. I smiled to myself, biting my lip while turning my attention back to the game just as Daichi scored the winning point. I looked over shocked as I began to cheer. They did it! They won the first game! I excitedly ran down to meet the team once they left the court.

"Daichi!!" I called to him. He turned his head to face me. I ran into his arms embracing him tightly. He lifted me slightly as I giggled. I kissed him deeply, smiling. "Well damn I need a girlfriend.." Tanaka said sadly. I pulled away blushing. "S-sorry." Daichi chuckled as he kissed my forehead. "Daichi you feel so cold! Here.." I took his jacket off handing it back to him. "Wait..where's Asahi?" I asked worriedly. "He's probably around here somewhere. We're playing Date Tech next. That's..the team we lost to last time. Asahi had a rough time in that game which made him quit." "Oh no..he told me all about this! I need to find him"

Daichi agreed as we went out to look for him with Noya. After a few minutes, I found him sitting on a bench staring out the large window. "Asahi!" I called as I ran to him. I sat next to him immediately hugging my best friend. "I know what you're thinking. But you got this. Look at me." I said as I took his face in my hands. His eyes held so much anxiety. "Asahi..breathe with me." We did some breathing exercises as I saw the anxiety lessen. "Leave what happened in the past. You've trained so hard for this and you're not going to lose. I can feel it. You're gonna beat Date Tech." "Are you sure?" He asked with a shaky breath. I smiled at him. "I'm very sure. Just remember everything you've learned. Remember that you're not alone on that court." He sighed as he nodded his head, pulling me in for a giant hug. I giggled as I hugged him back. "What would I do without you..?" "You'd probably still be a scaredy cat!" Noya said laughing at him. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, pulling Asahi up with me. I looked up at him smiling.

"Ready?" He grinned down at me, looking at Daichi and Noya. "Let's do this!"

Torn-Daichi Sawamura/Tooru Oikawa x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon