Chapter 10.

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"Look who's hereeeee!" Asahi exclaimed as he pushed Daichi into my room. I rolled my eyes laughing loudly. Daichi looked so nervous and embarrassed as he avoided my eyes. "Asahi what did you to do him!" I yelled as I pushed him off Daichi. "Oh nothing. Just finally gave him the big bro speech!" I covered my face with my hand, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Oh my god! Get out! Out! You're such a jerk, you big tree!" I yelled pushing him out of my room as he laughed, closing the door. "Daichi I'm so sorry.." He cleared his throat as his eyes landed back on my face. Wait, was he just checking me out? "I-it's fine. He means well." He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Oh my god! He's nervous! I smiled at him. "Can I-?" Before I could finish asking, I wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt his body tense before wrapping his arms around me, returning the sporadic hug. "Sorry, you just looked so nervous.." I said in his chest. I smiled to myself as I heard his quickened heartbeat. Did I really have this much of an affect on him? "N-no. It's totally fine. Nice actually.." I blushed as I let go of him. "Hi by the way." He chuckled. "Ready to go?" I nodded as we left. Thank god Asahi decided he was done tormenting us for now.

During our walk to the cafe, we spoke about everything. How I've been feeling, their practice games and the tournament coming up. I could tell he was nervous but he was excited about it. "I just..I feel really good." He smiled at me though his eyes seemed sad. "If you're feeling good Daichi then why don't you seem good?" I asked looking at him from across the table. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Was he..still nervous? "(Y/N)..I would, really like it if you came to the tournament. I know it'll be really difficult for you would much to have someone in the stands that supports Karasuno." I could tell he wanted to say more but didn't. I sighed as I reached over the table, resting my hand on his. His eyes landed on mine. "Daichi, it will be difficult..but..I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled slightly at him. "Now..was there something else?" I asked as I raised my brow at him, sipping my coffee. I chuckled at his nervous glance. What is this feeling? Who am I kidding? I like him. I might just really like him. Maybe I should just..yea. I'm gonna do it. Here goes nothing..

"Daichi, I don't know about you but..I like you. And I'm still trying to figure out what this all means and part of me is worried that it's too fast. But..the other part of me just doesn't care if it is." The smile on his face finally met his eyes. "I like you too (Y/N). It may be too soon but that doesn't mean we need to rush into anything." I nodded as the waitress walked over to take our order.

"Well that was delicious. Thank you Daichi." I said happily as we made our way back to Asahi's house. "Thank you for wanting to go with me." He smiled down at me as he looked at my hand. He took it into his own, lacing our fingers together. I blushed like a maniac staring at the ground. "Is this ok?" He asked softly. I looked up at him smiling. "Of course it is." He returned the smile as we continued to walk. "Ya know, Noya and Tanaka are gonna freak when they see us like this." I giggled to myself. "They seemed to know before we did huh?" I nodded laughing. "It was the 3 on 3 game wasn't it?" I asked smirking at him. He blushed as he nodded. "What can I say? A beautiful woman beat my ass at my game? That was hot." I laughed as my other hand held onto his muscular arm. "Yea didn't help yourself either. Who plays volleyball with those clothes on!?" I rolled my eyes. "What? You mean normal shorts and a tank top?" "Yea that's not a tank top. That's a muscle top. Men wear those when they work out to make women notice them." "Well it worked didn't it?" My lord, he's on another level. "I feel used..." I said laughing as he stopped walking. He pulled me lightly to his chest, arms around my waist. My hands made their way up his chest, landing on his broad shoulders. "What is it?" I asked softly. "I would never use you." "Oh Daichi I know that! It was a jok-" I stopped in my tracks as he brought his face close to mine. "You're all flustered again (Y/N).." He whispered in my ear. "You're so.." He stopped talking as he glanced my face. He slowly leaned in, eyes on my lips. Our eyes met briefly before he closed the gap, his lips brushing lightly against mine. I met him the rest of the way, lightly kissing him. One of his arms left my waist, resting his hand in the crook of my neck, taking control. I have never been kissed like this before in my life. My heart was racing the more we kissed. His kiss was slow, sure and confident which made me melt. My arms were resting around his neck, bringing him closer to me. We pulled away slowly, immediately staring into each other's eyes smiling. "Well..that was-" "Amazing?" I asked grinning. He chuckled as he pulled me in for another quick kiss. "Really amazing." He said, holding my hand once more continuing our walk.

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