Chapter 9.

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It's been three weeks since everything happened with Oikawa. I've tried to not be a drag and to actually do things with the guys after school and on the weekends. Some days were better than others. I just..still kinda felt broken, lost. I don't even know where or how to begin to piece myself back together sometimes. Daichi has been trying to cheer me up. He's literally the sweetest man I've ever met. We've been hanging out here and there on our own. He actually saw my scars one day and kinda freaked out. He was so worried. It took a few days to show him that I was fine and would never harm myself again. I made that promise to my family and Asahi. Daichi made me swear and even made me pinky promise him that if I ever felt the need to do that ever again that I would go to him first. It made my heart swell. Asahi is a bit supportive of me and Daichi but not so much at the same time. He's more worried about me than Daichi at this point. If I'm not with Daichi or Asahi, I'm playing volleyball or burying myself in school work. I try to make sure I don't have time to think because when I think, it's all over. And what's worse? The guys have a their tournament coming up next week. And guess who's gonna be there? Stupid Aobajohsai. I told Asahi I would think about going. It wouldn't be easy in the least bit, especially that I'd probably be sitting in the stands on my own since I didn't really know anyone other than the team. This was gonna be a hard decision..

I woke up hearing my phone vibrate on my nightstand. This better be important. Who's calling this early on the weekend!? Without looking at it, I answered. "Hello?" I said half asleep. "(Y/N)? Oh crap did I wake you!?" I sat up quickly in bed looking at the clock on my nightstand. How is it 9am already? "N-no! No I was just lounging in bed. What's up Daichi?" "Well we have practice later but I wanted to see if maybe you were up for getting some breakfast?" I bit my lip as I smiled hearing his nervousness. "Y-Yea! That sounds great! Give me like 30 minutes?" "Sure I'll come get you then." After saying bye I rushed out of bed to shower and get ready.

I was all set and ready to go, wearing some ripped jeans and a black tank top. I was styling my hair when Asahi walked in. "So...a date with Daichi huh?" I rolled my eyes. "It's not a date Asahi. It's just breakfast." "Keep telling yourself that. It's only a matter of time at this point.." I looked at him with wide eyes as a put on my shoes and a light jacket. "Asahi come on. I don't know if I'm ready for that.." I looked at myself in the mirror, happy with my outfit as I put on a little eyeliner. "Yea well I can tell something is going on're definitely interested in Daichi." I stopped as I looked at him out of the corner of my eye before finishing my makeup. "Asahi..even if I like I ready for that? I have no fucking clue. I'm terrified Asahi. But he..he's so different.." I say quietly, looking at him. "Daichi is a really great guy (Y/N). I know you wouldn't hurt him and vise versa. Just know that I'm here.." I smiled at him. "Think Daichi is good for me?" He smirked laughing. "I think Daichi is great for you. He might regret this decision though." I gasped as I playfully hit his arm. He laughed, pulling me in for a hug. "No but seriously, I think you'd be great together. So great. Just..don't let what Oikawa did to you effect what you have with Daichi." I nodded as we heard a knock on the door. "I'll let him in." He smiled down at me, kissing my head as he walked away. I sighed now clearly nervous.

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