Chapter 3.

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Monday morning came rather quickly. Tooru tried calling again but I just denied the call. I didn't have the energy or strength in me to fight again. Though, I did kinda feel bad. Was it really all in my head? Maybe he was just trying to be nice to them. He was the captain after all and had an image to uphold. He couldn't just be mean to the fans. Right? Wait, what am I saying!? His fans are all women. No. I need to stop making excuses for him.

Asahi and I were lost in conversation as we met with Daichi and Suga at the school's entrance. "Hey guys! Welcome to your first day (Y/N)! Are you nervous?" I smiled at Suga. He was way too sweet. "A little but I'm sure I'll be fine. My only fear is getting lost." I said looking at the school map and the list of my classes. I see out of the corner of my eye all three men looking over at my list. I smiled to myself. "Ah! Hey we have home room and second together!" Daichi said happily. I'm so not used to everyone always being in a good mood around me. "Awesome! So Daichi can walk with you and me and Suga will meet with you guys later, yea?" I nodded waiving at Asahi and Suga.

"So how are you feeling after..ya know." I simply shrugged at his question, looking at him as we walked. "It is what it is. I'll be ok." I smiled slightly at him. He hummed at my response. His hands were in his jacket pockets. He seemed a Like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to.

"You know..I feel the same as you do." I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. "Asahi always spoke to us about you. He kinda vented to us a few times when you and..when you were having problems." I sighed as he continued. "I also feel like I've known you for years even if we just met a few days ago. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is..if you ever need someone else to talk to, you know where to reach me." He smiled down at me, handing me his number as I smiled back at him accepting it. "That means a lot Daichi, thank you. I'm not used to people being so nice." I sadly laughed.

His face seemed to drop and I instantly felt regret. "Oh my god! No, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-" "What, what does that mean (Y/N)?" I bit the inside of my cheek as I continued. "I just..I had friends. Then when I started dating Oikawa, they just..they either wanted to be friends to get to know him better or actually try to get with him. He always used to shut the girls down in front of me and then..I don't know. Something changed I guess. Maybe it was me..I don't know." I said quietly. "So you see, I'm not used to people just being nice to me. My guard is kinda high. So I'm sorry if I ever..I don't know..if I ever make you feel bad or make you feel like I'm not paying attention or I'm ignoring you. It's just going to take me some time to get back to the old me." I shrugged.

He looked super upset. Like I just kicked a dog upset. Part of me hated that I caused that. But I was just being truthful. I was damaged and I needed help which is why I left. I grabbed his arm stopping him from walking further as we stood in the hall. "Hey I'm sorry. I don't..I don't mean to make you upset.." "No (Y/N). Don't apologize. I'm not upset with you at all. I think it's just upsetting that you had to deal with all of that on your own." "I mean, I had Asahi.." "But you had no one physically there for you. And for that, I'm so sorry." I was taken aback by this. It kinda shook me to my core. Tears started to brim my eyes as I cleared my throat and swallowed them back. "T-thank you. For what it's worth, you now know more than anyone else. Well except for Asahi of course." "Well then I'm honored that you trust me even just a little bit already." He smiled at me and continued to walk with me towards class.

Classes passed by in a blur. I didn't have too much to catch up on but the rest of my fellow third year friends offered to help catch me up which I was thankful for. First days are always the worst but I shockingly felt really good today. Better than I have in a while. "Hey, (Y/N) right? I'm Kiyoko. I'm the teams manager." "Oh hi! It's nice to meet you!" "Likewise. Are you heading to their practice now too?" "Oh..I was thinking about heading back to the house. I have a few things to catch up on since I started a whole month later than everyone else." I said nervously scratching the back of my head. "You should come. I heard you used to play. Those boys need as much help as they can get." She said slightly laughing. I smiled at her. "You know what? Yeah. I'll come along. Maybe watching them play wouldn't hurt." She smiled at me. "Great! Follow me!" She started walking as I followed. "I'm sorry about what you're going through. It can't be easy." "Thanks Kiyoko. I'll be ok." We smiled at each other as we got to the gym. Some of the guys were already there practicing some tosses.

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