Chapter 2.

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Today is the day I head to live with Asahi and his family for the last year of high school. My parents saw that my grades weren't so great last year and for the start to my last school year. After explaining to them what was happening, they agreed for me to go to Karasuno under some conditions. One, to call them every night and to have dinners every other weekend. Two, to join a club and make sure my extra curricular activities didn't slip up as well. I humbly accepted, of course. I was so happy that my parents and I were very close. They could read me like a book. They weren't really surprised when I told them about Tooru though. I don't know which hurt more..telling them I needed to leave home for almost a year or them stating they knew Tooru just wasn't being good to me anymore.

The talk with Tooru was anything less than pleasant. I broke up with him in person. Asahi offered to go with me but I needed to do this alone. He was furious to say the least. He said I was being crazy and it was all in my head. I gave him a too many to be honest. I can't even count how many times I've had this conversation with him. It was exhausting. He blamed it all on me not trusting him. He wasn't wrong though. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, he wouldn't like guys hanging on me one bit. It obviously was the worst break up of my life. I still love the smug bastard. But I don't want to. I need to work on me and learn to love myself so something like this doesn't happen to me again.

I smiled slightly as I dragged my luggage up to Asahi's door from the car. I knocked lightly as I waited in anticipation. I haven't seen Asahi since our break. We've both been so busy. Our families are really close and usually go on vacation together once a year. He was like the brother I never had and always wanted. The door opened to reveal Asahi. "(Y/N)! You're finally here!!" He yelled, smiling widely as he lifted me into a hug. I laughed, hugging back this tall, bulky goofball. "I missed you Asahi!!" He set me down smiling as he grabbed my luggage. "Come on, I'll show you to the room so you can get settled. I have volleyball practice later today if you wanna come!" "'s the weekend.." He shrugged. "We know but we want to get to nationals this year so we really need to win the prelims. We got some really great first years. They actually gave me some hope that we could win this year. That's why I decided to go back.." I smiled as he spoke. Asahi loved volleyball. I remember when he told me he first joined and met his other first year teammates. Daichi and Suga. He constantly talks to me about his team. I'm honestly a little upset that I never met them before. He seemed to beam as he spoke which made me so happy. "If you really want, I'll come see you play. You know how I feel about it but if it makes you this happy then count me in. I could sure use a distraction." "Awesome! I get to introduce you to everyone! You're gonna love them!"

After changing, we made our way to Karasuno's gym. The landscape for the school was a little intimidating since I didn't know anything about this place yet. I would be starting my classes on Monday. I was a little nervous but I have Asahi so I knew I was going to be fine. As we got closer, I heard the scuffs from the running sneakers and the sound of a volleyball falling to the floor followed by shouting. It was a sound I was familiar with..but eventually grew to dislike. I knew how to play, even being on the girls team during my first year but I ended up leaving. I always did things to please Tooru. If I was good in volleyball, I didn't want people to say it was because of him or take the spotlight off of him. I go again. "Hey..stop with the bad thoughts ok? You're my family. We have your back here." I sighed wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back tightly. "It's gonna be ok." He whispered as I nodded into his chest. He grabbed my hand and excitedly ran into the gym, dragging me behind him. "Hey guys!" He was way too excited to show me off. I looked around at the guys in front of me. To the side, there seemed to be the two coaches, and a girl manager. The guys looked at me then back to Asahi.

"Wooahhhh Asahi! Is she your girlfriend!? She's hot!" Asked a guy with spiky hair with bleached bangs. He was followed by a guy with a buzz cut. "Hey there sweetheart! What's your name!" I looked at them with wide eyes as I looked at Asahi. He rolled his eyes at them like this was nothing new. "Guys! This is my best friend (Y/N)! She's transferring here from Aobajohsai." The guys seemed to crowd around us now as I took a step closer to Asahi. This was a little intimidating. They're all so tall! I mean..I was used to Asahi's height by now but this...there's a lot of them here.

"Aobajohsai huh? That's where the great king is!" I flinched at his comment. He had a sharp tone to his voice when he mentioned my ex-boyfriend's nickname. "Kageyama stop that!" Asahi said sternly next to me. I sadly smiled at the boy. "Y-Yes. That's right." I stated in a low voice. "Well well! We finally meet the infamous (Y/N)! I'm Daichi. It's a pleasure to meet you." Daichi stepped up offering his hand. I smiled up at him accepting his hand shake. He was strikingly attractive. As our hands touched, I felt like my body was being electrocuted. I looked into his eyes, stunned. "Wow Daichi! It's a pleasure to finally meet you too! I feel like I know you and Suga on a personal level already with how much Asahi talks about you guys." I said giggling. He smirked at me and I swear my knees went weak.

"I'm Suga! Hey (Y/N)! I'm so happy you're joining us here at Karasuno!" He exclaimed as he pulled me in for a hug. I giggled as I hugged him back. Oh isn't he just adorable! I felt my phone vibrate.

My smile faded as I looked at the screen. He just won't stop calling. "It's him isn't it?" Asahi asked angrily next to me. I sighed to myself just nodding my head. As I was about to put my phone away, Asahi grabbed my phone answering it, walking outside the gym. My eyes went wide as I followed him. "Asahi, no!" "If you call her one more time Oikawa I will come there myself and take care of this! You have no right- wh- excuse you!? She isn't the one that was flirting with everyone that gave her attention!..Oh really? So are the rumors true Oikawa? Did you cheat on her!?..What!!..No! Don't you dare step foot on this campus!..No! She's not coming back there! Leave her alone and let her heal! Let her move on!" I flinched at his raised voice.

Asahi wasn't one for confrontation at all. He was the biggest baby ever! So the fact that he's screaming at Oikawa right now scared me. I felt the tears form in my eyes as I reached Asahi and finally grabbed the phone out of his hands with some struggle. "Stop calling me Tooru! I said it's over!" I yelled into the phone. "But baby please! You know I'd never cheat on you! I didn't! You're just gonna throw away two years, two amazing years (Y/N)!? Without giving me a chance? P-Please!" "No! No Tooru! You destroyed me! Do you realize that!? How many chances do you need!? I tried...I tried so fucking hard to let it go. D-Did you even think about my feelings when you had all of those girls around y-you!? Flirting with you and you flirted back in front of me!? What happens when I'm not there Tooru! Fucking tell me!!" I screamed into the phone.

I felt Asahi wrap me in a hug. I didn't realize how much I was crying and shaking. He grabbed the phone from me once more. "You're done here Oikawa. If you call her one more time you're gonna have to deal with the consequences." He said calmly before hanging up. Asahi cradled my head in his hand, the other rubbing circles on my back.

"Oh now we have even more reasons to kick Oikawa's ass at the tournament!" Said the guy with the shaved head. Kageyama nodded in agreement. I looked at the guys in front me from Asahi's chest. They all came out to see what happened. My eyes went straight to Daichi. He looked so apologetic and sad yet furious. I closed my eyes once more trying to take deep breaths. I pulled myself from Asahi, wiping the tears from my face. "I'm sorry. I ruined your practice." They all seemed to shake their heads as I looked back over to their captain. "There's nothing to be sorry for (Y/N). None of this is on you." I took a deep breath nodding slightly. "Come on, let's play some volleyball. I need to get better so I can beat his ass!" I looked at Asahi in shock. He never curses or says any form of a bad word, even when he was mad or frustrated. It made my heart happy as I heard the rest of the team agree in unison. They don't even know me yet here they all are, out here making sure I was ok. Making sure I knew that I was apart of their lives now. I smiled at all of them as my eyes seemed to naturally land right back to Daichi's. He smiled and nodded at me. I nodded back returning his smile.

I think I'm gonna be ok here.

Torn-Daichi Sawamura/Tooru Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now