Chapter 6.

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As we walked up to the entrance of the school, I froze. "Well, well. Daichi. I'd say it's a pleasure. Baby, what are you doing with this guy?" I stared daggers at Oikawa. What the hell is he thinking!? Why is he here yet again!?

Daichi grabbed my hand with his, offering support. "Oikawa. What are you doing here." Daichi asked calmly. Oikawa looked at our hands and chuckled. "I see. I'm out of the picture for two seconds and you already moved on? Wow (Y/N). Didn't take you for the type to do that." "Yea well, I didn't take you for the type to flirt with dozens of women in front of your girlfriend yet here we are." He rolled his eyes as he put his hand on my arm. "We need to talk. Alone. I tried to talk to you the other day but you just ignored me. Let's go (Y/N)." "She's not going anywhere with you." Daichi said firmly. I smirked to myself. It felt nice to actually be defended for a change. Especially when that someone was Daichi.

"Don't make this difficult (Y/N). Let's just go. You had your little fun here but it's time to go back to where you belong. Back home with me." "I am where I belong Tooru. I'm done being your door mat. I was there for you through everything. Everything. And what did I get in return? You turned your back on me. You never stood up for me. You let those fan girls get everything they wanted. All your time and attention while I was there being ignored. While I was being talked about in front of your face. Do you even understand how that made me feel? How low my self esteem and my confidence got? I felt like I didn't belong with you. I felt like I wasn't you didn't want me anymore. I, used. And you know what Tooru? I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. And I'm happy that I got rid of you! Did you think by coming here the other day and kissing me like that, that I would change my mind!? Get away from me!" I yelled, pushing him away from me slightly. "But nothing happened!" "Oh yes Tooru. Something did happen. I finally woke up and decided I wasn't going to be treated like trash any longer. Yes, we did have a great relationship in the beginning but then you got 'famous' and decided it was more important to get the attention of other females rather than your girlfriend. Oh I know everything Tooru. I heard you went chasing after someone already. Who is it? Let's see if the rumors are true"

"(Y/N) come on! Don't be crazy! It's all rumors! How many times do I have to apologize!?" "Are you really truly apologizing to me for getting caught or because now you feel bad? Are you apologizing because you realized you fucked up and now you miss me? Well that's too damn bad. I'm here now. I'm at Karasuno. I'm actually involved with the best volleyball team I've ever seen. And sweetie?" I placed my hand on his chest, smirking. "I can't wait for them to kick your ass." He glared at me. "That's enough (Y/N)! I said we need to talk!" He gripped my arm tighter as he pulled me into his chest forcing me to let go of Daichi's hand.

Before I could react, Daichi shoved Oikawa away from me, placing his arm around my shoulders, slightly blocking me from Oikawa. "I think you're done here Oikawa. You need to leave. Now." "So what? Now you're with Karasuno's captain? Instead of me!?" "That's none of your business anymore Tooru." "What's going on out here!?" Asahi yelled walking toward us. Oikawa straightened up, humor back in his face. "Calm down. Nothing to see here. I was just leaving." He glared at me as he turned and walked away. "See you soon princess." I shuttered as he walked away from us. "What happened now?" Asahi asked concerned as he reached us. I sighed as Daichi spoke up. "He thought he could come here to get her back." He sounded so annoyed as he stared at Oikawa walking away. "Again!? I swear I'm gonna- come on (Y/N). Let's get you home." I stopped Asahi before he could move closer to me. "It's fine. I'm fine Asahi. You were training with the first years. Daichi was gonna walk me back. I'll be ok." I said giving him a small smile. He sighed, nodding as he pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged my best friend back sighing. I swear I'm the luckiest girl in the world with this man beside me. "I'll be back soon ok? I'll stop by the market on the way back for some food and ice cream so we can talk." I hummed in response. "Sounds great." I let go of Asahi and walked to Daichi. I waved to him as we walked away from the school.

"Daichi.." I stopped walking after a while, looking up at him. He looked into my eyes, a worried yet..what was that? He seemed to have a possessive, soft look in his eyes as he looked back at me. I bit my lip as I looked at the ground. "I just want to say thank you. You stood up for me back there and..and it just gave me the motivation I needed to finally speak my mind. So. Yea. Thank you." I felt his hand cradle my chin slightly as he lifted my face, forcing our eyes together. "I'd do it over and over again if it made you feel that strong." My face felt hot. I'm sure I looked like a tomato with how bad I was blushing right now. I came here not wanting anything to do with men or any form of a romantic relationship yet. Especially not this fast. But there was something about Daichi. He was kind, gentle, hot, considerate, funny, so respectful, did I say hot? I smiled at him as I kissed his cheek. He looked shocked as I saw his face light up with a tint of a pink blush. I giggled to myself as I turned on my heel walking towards the house.

As we got to Asahi's house, I stopped and faced Daichi. Our walk was a bit quiet but it was a comfortable quiet. It was different but it was really nice. "Thanks for taking me home." He smiled as he stepped closer to me. My heart seemed to stop as he placed his hand on my cheek. "The pleasure was all mine." He said quietly and kissed my forehead. I bit my lip trying to contain myself. What was happening to me? Do we really like each other? I don't know if I'm really truly ready for this. I smiled at him as he pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, hopeful. I nodded in response. "Definitely." He smiled wide as he waved and left.

Torn-Daichi Sawamura/Tooru Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now