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Hey everyone! I got Star Wars Squadrons for Christmas, so I've been playing that all day. Also, the new Attack on Titan episode came out like 2 or 3 hours ago. Only got round to writing about an hour ago. And I was shocked! Somehow I made it to #2 in Pertemis! I've not even written that much about the relationship yet! It's crazy. Well, hope you enjoy the new chapter!


As Thalia left with Annabeth, Grace and Celyn looked at each other in disgust. How dare she? I mean, Percy wouldn't be forgiving her anytime soon, that was for sure, but instead of at least trying to keep on making amends, she was going to go make it worse?

Celyn beckoned the younger hunter over to her bunk. The hunters always bunked in order of monster kills, so that the hunter with the most kills was always closest to the door in case of attack. That's why Thalia, who had one of the highest counts, was the one to open the door, seeing as she was one of the closest.

Although Celyn was one of the older hunters, and was among the more experienced, she was only about halfway along the cabin. This was because since the daughter of Apollo had focused on her healing powers, she hadn't killed as many monsters, instead acting more like a highly dangerous defensive field medic.

The small hunter scrambled over to Celyn's bunk, sitting next to her. "What are we gonna do?" She asked quietly.

"We're going to have to tell Percy, of course," Celyn said with a sigh. "I'm not inclined to tell tales, but in case she tries to actively take revenge along with Annabeth, he'll need to be on his guard." The older hunter said thoughtfully. Some of the other hunters, listening in, murmured their agreement with her sentiment.

Phoebe laid back in her upper bunk bed, arms behind her head. "Why tell him? He's just a male, and a damn insolent one at that. I say let him rot in Tartarus." She said spitefully, staring angrily at the ceiling. She'd humiliate him the first chance she got.

"So, who wants to go? I'm going, it's getting boring here. We won't even be doing capture the flag this time, we just need to wait for Lady Artemis, Trista and Alison to get back with the supplies." Celyn said, raising her voice slightly. Her real reason for going, however, was so that she wouldn't get angry and start yelling at Phoebe.

Several voices spoke in assent, and as Celyn got up, about five hunters walked with her and Grace out of the door, two from Grace's group and one from her's, but also two others from other friend groups in the hunters.

They jogged to Thalia's Pine, where they'd last seen the boys, talking animatedly to each other, only to stop short when they'd almost reached the place. There was a congregation there, with a girl ranting angrily in the middle.

She was yelling something at them, and Jessica listened in. Something about two dark figures hanging around with a couple beasts, she knew she'd seen them, and the campers better FIND THEM NOW!

They all heard the last bit clearly.

Grace looked back at them worriedly. "They're probably looking for Percy and Alex. We need to find them." She said quickly. They didn't want to look suspicious, so jogged past the campers as if they were just on a normal run, but their eyes were keenly searching for clues as to the boys'whereabouts.

Finding nothing, they came to a conclusion. "They must have vapour travelled away. Dammit, I didn't know Alex could do that as well." Grace turned and complained. They laughed at her whiny tone, and Celyn replied with what she knew.

"Yeah, when we were talking they told us that Alex can do it fine, but doesn't like to much because he prefers freezing stuff rather than evaporating it." She explained. They all nodded in understanding, all except Jessica, who had been thinking ever since she'd heard Carla yelling.

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