Chapter 8

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Kuroo POV:
"Damn it" I say to myself as I trip a little. Jeez this Kenma character is playing so hard to get I'm starting to like this game he's playing.
As I'm walking downtown I hear i tiny scream coming from an ally.
I walk down there because I'm stupid and see someone forcibly touching another!
Then I see a the the one who is being touched has very familiar hair...
Oh my god it's Kenma!
I run and punch the guy straight in the face so hard that he gets knocked off Kenma and I start to punch him till he's unconscious.
I look over and there's Kenma completely passed out. He probably got really scared and passed out. I ran over and checked for any bruises or injuries. I find his nose a little banged up but nothing to worry about. Looks like I got here just in time. so I pick him up bridal style and take him to my car. I put him in the back seat and put a blanket over him.
"Good thing I know where you live"
I drive to the apartment complex and carry Kenma inside when I realize I don't know his apartment code!
Well looks like he'll just have to stay in my room for the night, which I don't mind of course.
I lay him down on my bed and cover him with a blanket. I grab some sweats and a towel and make my way to the bathroom to shower. After I shower and brush my teeth I grab a few blankets and make my way to the couch since my bed in occupied.
Hopefully he doesn't wake up and run away in the morning.

Hey hey hey! Y'all like this chapter? I hope so.

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