Chapter 5

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Kuroo POV:
God! I can't believe I live next to him! He's my neighbor!
Alright kuroo you have to play it cool, yeah cool...
I walk through the grocery store getting weird looks from people because I keep doing little dances. It just that I'm so excited!
"Ok got the milk, eggs, bread, and..."
What else did I need?
"Bokuto?" I looked him up and down and noticed that he was wet...
"What happened?"
"So I tried getting that hot waiters number and he poured my drink on my head. But I at least got his name! It's akaashi!"
"Damn... all that for a name?"
"Hey! At least it's something!"
"Yeah whatever"
I walk through the produce trying to think of what I needed that I had forgotten.
Hmmm pudding sounds nice.
His hair reminds me of pudding.
"So did you ever get that guys number?"
I look at Bokuto and smile a little giving myself away.
"Hold up... don't tell me that you got his number without getting completely drenched!?!"

"Even better... he's my neighbor! The one that's super quiet ya know"
Bokuto looked at me like I had just snorted a line of coke.
"No way"

This ones kinda short but I'm stressed so ya sorry.

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