13. In the middle of starting over

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Regina's POV~

        "So how do I look?" I asked my daughter for the millionth time. I waltzed back to the full-length body mirror and did another once over.
   "Ma if you ask me that one more time, I swear." Rider replied shaking her head. I could tell that she was just as excited as me, if not more.
    "I'm sorry, it's been a minute since I've had a date. I just wanna make a good first impression." I let out a deep sigh and continued to smooth my hands over the olive green, low V-neck body suit I decided to wear. I had paired it with dark jeans and black pumps. Damn I did look good.
"Mama, you look great. If anybody says otherwise, they must not have eyes." I smiled and turned around to see how my butt looked in the jeans.
'Here goes nothing' I chanted to myself.

      Just as I was about to lose confidence again, a loud knock resounded throughout the living room.
"I'll get it!" Rider shouted, anticipation evident in her voice. I on the other hand was not anticipating this date. Not because I didn't like Noah, he was great. But just a little too great. He had this charming smile that showed off those perfect pearly whites. And let me not forget those sinewy muscles that rippled through his waiter uniform the first time I saw him. He definitely hit the gym a few times a week. Oh, and that skin. That chocolate, smooth, clear, gorgeous skin. I'd bet he tasted as good as he looked. Now all I had to do was figure out what darkness was hidden under all that sunshine. Men like that always had an agenda. Trust me, I knew it all too well.

      The sound of faint laughter from downstairs snapped me out of my suspicions. I hurriedly grabbed my pouch and my black trench coat, heading towards my prospective new beginning.
As I made my way down, I saw Noah and Rider engaging in what seemed to be an entertaining conversation.
  "But all jokes aside, don't mess this up. She's been through a lot." I heard Rider attempting to lecture him.
"Girl, stop torturing my date." I said pointing a finger at her. She just let out a small chuckle and stepped to the side. Only then did Noah's eyes connect with mine. His gaze didn't falter one bit as I slowly walked towards him.

      When I was a few inches away, he reached his hand out to take mine. I happily obliged. Maybe a little too happily. Ugh he probably thought I was desperate. Gosh Regina can you be any more embarrassing. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, the tingles traveled up my arm and spread throughout my entire body like an electric wave. It's been so long since I've had male physical contact. So long since I've had a man stare at me the way Noah had when I descended those stairs. So long since I felt like I was the only woman a man had eyes for.
   But it was always like that in the beginning. Maybe this was just the calm before the storm. I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet.

      "You look ravishing." He said to me with a husky tone, and the look in his eyes didn't show one ounce of deceit as the words oozed from his lips. I wonder how they'd taste on mine.
"Thank you..." My words came out as more of a thought than a sentence. I was really staring at his lips while he talked to me. Embarrassing moment number two, and our night hadn't even fully begun yet. He let out an unrestrained laugh.
     "Shall we?" He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me onto the front porch.
"So where are you taking me?" I questioned, eyes full of wonder and expectation.
"Hmm, you just have to wait and see." And he was spontaneous? Lord, if this is going to bite me in the as- butt, please give me a sign. Please.

      There was no sign given. Just the sound of him opening the car door for me, causing the cool air to disappear from my skin.
"Mysterious, I like it." My compliment seemed to please him because his response was,
"And I like you." What was this feeling? The line was so simple and so cliché, but I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my mouth. I felt like I was 16 all over again.
     "This is a nice car for a waiter." My mouth moved before my brain had time to process. Stupid stupid Regina. Embarrassing moment number three...

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