10. Stick to the plan

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Rider's Pov~

      "Are you fucking kidding me?!" My mother yelled as she paced back and forth in the living room. She reacted exactly how I thought she would to the news. Not too angry but far from happy.
"Yea, I just found out too. Why couldn't he just choose Dana instead." I agreed with my mom.
"Dana? Seriously? I was hoping Candace, anybody but her. I mean what does she have that other girls don't?" My mother was really hurt about this, I mean I understood why, I was upset too, but she took reality tv to a whole other level. We had just finished the latest episode of love island. Me and my mother had a strong bond, and watching reality tv played a huge role in it. It was our chance to talk and connect. We spoke about everything. Love, life, happiness. You name it.

      "Eh I don't really think he belongs with Candace, she's much too prissy for him." I said as I tooted my nose up in disgust. "But Dana she brings out the best in him, you could tell she had his best interest at heart." I used to hate reality shows believe it or not, they always seemed too fake and everything was just put out to brainwash youth and cause unnecessary drama. But as I got older I started to look at them as inspiration for how I wanted my life to be, and how I didn't. Basically it helped me learn from other people's mistakes.

     "Yea whatever." My mom stated, sounding like a spoiled teenager who didn't get their way.
"What do you want for dinner?"
     "Ummmm," I took a moment to think. "A baked potato sounds really nice right about now." I said with a smirk. That was one of my weekly cravings, last week it was nachos and this week it was a potato, odd craving I know, but I really had to have it.
"Okay, I guess." My mom eyed me weirdly as she started to pull the ingredients out of the fridge and cabinets.

        "So enough about what I want, let's talk about what you want mother dearest." I said changing the subject.
"What do you mean." She responded with a innocent look on her face.
"Oh don't play dumb with me, you know exactly what I mean. The sexy waiter at Santina yesterday. I saw the way he looked at you, and not to mention the number he tried to slide under your daiquiri but failed miserably at." I said, trying to hide the laugh that was fighting to break free.

       "Oh him, I called him last night actually." She was doing that a lot lately, saying really interesting things and acting as if she just told someone it was raining outside. "You what?!!  Why didn't you tell me? When, how, what did he say? What did you say?" My mouth hung so low that someone could stick a brick inside.
"Relax, he just asked me out, no biggie." She continued to prepare my meal. I rolled my eyes.

    "Can you please stop doing that, please."
"Doing what?" She looked at me expectantly.
I pointed at her and wiggled my finger. "That, that thing you do when you say awesome things and act like their so irrelevant." She smiled and walked towards me.
"Honey, that's because they are. Nothings important until you know the effect it will have on your life. I don't know where this relationship is headed, so until I do, it's irrelevant." She planted a kiss on my forehead and proceeded to the kitchen. Her words made me wonder.

      Did that mean me and Aiden's relationship was irrelevant, because I sure as hell didn't know where it was headed. I wasn't even sure if we showed the same feelings for each other. Sure he made it clear several times that our friendship was important to him, but anything more than that was left unsaid. I knew that Aiden wasn't the type to sugarcoat anything, so if he hadn't told me if he liked me in that way by now, I was convinced that he would never. I pushed my thoughts aside and got up to help my mom in the kitchen.

       Dinner went by in a blur. My mom and I talking about any and everything and her asking me questions about Aiden here and there. After finishing I cleaned our dishes and headed straight to my room. I plopped on my bed, pick up my cell, and hastily dialed Aiden's number. He picked up on the fourth ring.
  "Hello," He answered sounding out of breath.
"Aiden? Are you ok?" I asked worriedly.
"Yea yea, I was just- what's up?" He quickly changed the subject and I already knew the answer to my unasked question.

      "I just wanted to know if you thought about our plan." I really needed to figure out what we were going to do after finding out what we did yesterday. Maybe I shouldn't have kept my friendship with Aiden hidden for so long. If my dad found out then surely he wouldn't have slept with his mother. But then again maybe he would, I knew a lot about my father but why and with whom he had sex with wasn't one of 'em.
"No I haven't actually, I haven't even given my mother her deadline, she doesn't even officially know I know." I placed my hand on my head and shook it back and forth.

    "Aiden look, I love you but sometimes you can be a real idiot." I paused after realizing what I had said. 'I love you'. I guess it was normal for me to say that to a friend, but now that I knew how I really felt about him, the words had a different meaning when I used them. I had to make sure I never said that again. He didn't seem to think much of it though.
      " Yea I know I'll talk to her on my way to school tomorrow I promise."
"You better, we can't wait until she starts to show, because then she'll say it's your fathers."
"Well she can't really say that Rider, you guys are black. If my dad falls for that he's real gullible."

      I honestly didn't think about that, I mean I knew we were black and Aiden's family was white, but it wasn't something I considered much. I guess I'm the idiot. I let out a chuckle.
" I guess you're right, but still you tell her. Tomorrow, got it."
"Fine I got it, it's just hard you know?" All of a sudden a wave of sadness hit me, I was only putting pressure on Aiden trying to get him to do things that I would do in his situation, rarely thinking about the person he was and what would be best for him. He was old enough to make his own decisions after all.

    "Yea I'm sorry, take all the time you need." I let out a sigh and waited for his response.
"Rider don't be sorry, you helped me through all of this, without you I probably would have ran away from home by now." I instantly smiled, I loved feeling a sense of accomplishment, and Aiden made me feel like I had a purpose. My purpose was to make him and myself happy. But in order to be happy we had to ruin someone else's. I didn't feel so giddy anymore.

     "Hey Aiden?"
      "Do you really think we should break people up so we could be together." The words escaped my lips again before I had the chance to stop it. But the cat was already out of the bag so I didn't bother to correct myself. It was a long pause on the other end. Just as I was about to tell him goodnight he replied.
  "You want to be together?" He asked. His question didn't sound like he was against it but he sure did sound shocked.
"I believe so." It was time for me to finally be bold, and if I wanted to find out if this relationship held any kind of relevance, I would have to express myself.

    "I'm glad you feel that way," I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, waiting for his response almost ended my life. But I was happy it didn't.
"Really?! I mean oh cool, I feel glad that you feel glad that I feel that way. I'll be quiet now" I said shyly as I stuffed my face in a fluffy gray pillow. I heard his smooth deep voice on the other line.

      "Are you screaming into a pillow right now?" He asked mischievously. Gosh he knew me so well.
"No...?" I immediately stopped and held my breath again, trying not to make a sound.
"Rider." He pried, sounding like a parent trying to get their child to admit to stealing a cookie out of the jar.
"Ok fine I was, but it doesn't matter because first we have to end our parents affair, so I'll meet up with you tomorrow at lunch and we'll figure it out, Goodnight Aiden." I almost hung up the phone until his voice stopped me.

"Hey Rider,"
"I love you too." After hearing those words, I had the best sleep I've had in years.


Guys I am sooo so sorry I've been gone this long, life is a mess. I'm focused on school and prom and I'm also in the process of moving. I hope you guys continue to read and enjoy my story. I appreciate y'all so much.

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