11. A blast from the past

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Aiden's POV~

        After my phone call with Rider last night, I was determined to complete a number of tasks I had made on a mini checklist in my head. All the shit that I had to sort through in my life was becoming too much to bare. First thing on the checklist was to confront my mother about her affair with Mr Epperson. I knew that him and my father were somewhat close, and the fact that my mother could have slept with any other man in the city, but chose Earnest, would break his heart into a million pieces. But regardless of what the outcome would be, I'd finally be able to go on with my life without having the constant reminder of my mother slowly tearing our family apart.

         I hurried downstairs after getting ready for school, and of course after giving myself a pep talk in order to build up enough courage to face my biggest obstacle. I sat at the dining room table across from my father as my mother eyed my every move. The tension was deadly between the two of us, and what I was about to say wouldn't make it any better. Or at least what I thought I was about to say.
"Hey dad, is it ok if you drive me to school today? Only if you're not in a hurry for work." After my outburst, my parents stared at me as if I had grown a second head.
"Really? I thought you enjoyed the morning car rides with your mother, thats where you guys get to 'catch up'. He stated.

        "Yea son, I thought you enjoyed car rides with me." She said, genuinely sounding hurt by my request.
"Plus there are a few things I wanted to run by you. A few important things." My mother countered, eying me suspiciously.
That was one thing my mother was good at. She had this way of making everything she said, sound like it had to be done, and if you didn't oblige, you would face her wrath.
"Yea in fact we do have a few important things to discuss." I agreed. If she wanted to play this game, I'd make sure it would be a game for two.

   "Oh, and dad," I added in quickly to ease over my previously questionable statement.
" you missed my last game, there's another one this Friday, and I expect you to be there." This time I made sure it was a command instead of a request.

     "Sure son, I wouldn't miss this one. Promise." I really hoped he meant it. Because after my game, my mother's betrayal would come to light. She may have dodged a bullet today, but I was honestly concerned about how long she thought she could pull this stunt. I was ready to put this game to an end. Especially if that meant I could have the girl of my dreams.

        After finishing breakfast, I didn't say a word. I just got up from the table and headed outside towards my mother's car. I heard her footsteps treading closely behind. As soon as we were settled in, she couldn't hold the facade any longer.
   "What the hell is wrong with you Aiden?" She stared at me with piercing eyes, as if I were the one who betrayed this family, as if I were the one cheating on my husband, as if I were the one who not only cheated, but had also gotten pregnant.

     "No mom, what the hell is wrong with you?" She was taken aback by my response.
"You can't possibly think I don't know what you've done." She looked at me, guilt clouding over her like a huge shield.
"Listen, I know you think you understand what's going on here, but I assure you, it's much more complicated." She stated. Trying, but failing miserably to justify her actions.
"Much more complicated than what exactly? Like adding a new addition to the family?" I could tell by her facial expression that she was not expecting me to know that part of the story.

      "How did you-" I cut her off quickly.
"That's not important. But what is important, is how you plan to come clean to dad. To your husband. Or did you forget that you had one while you were bathing in paradise?" Her now guilty mask was traded in for a much angrier one.
"How dare you speak to me in that manner," I rolled my eyes, was she seriously trying to chastise me right now? Clearly she was the one in the wrong.
"Look, I know I messed up ok, I'm only human, but aside from being human, I am still your mother, and I intend for you to treat me as such."

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