3.Uninvited Pt.1

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Rider's pov~

       "I'm sorry okay, she meant nothing to me." Cameron looked at me expectantly. Did he really think that I was stupid enough to believe that.
I balled my fist. It was the only way to stop my hand from connecting to his face.

     "I was drunk and we were in the heat of the moment." Man was he a good actor. This is all my fault. I knew what type of guy he was, but I still took that chance with him. I still gave him my heart knowing that he could possibly rip it into a million pieces. Now here we were, 5 months later, and he was still apologizing. "Look, Cameron, I'm sure that you're very sorry, but I'm in a good place in my life now and I don't wanna jeopardize that." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, it's the beginning of a new school year, haven't you found another Makenzie,Makayla, or whatever the hell her name is over the summer."
He responded, but I didn't hear the lies that came out of his mouth. Someone else had caught my attention.

      It was Aiden. He was staring at me, but quickly adverted his eyes when he noticed that I caught him. I missed him, I really did. But apart of me was just so fed up with getting hurt by men. It's happened too many times.
I could still feel the stares and humiliation  as I ran down the hall that day. I could still hear the whispers. My mind wondered back.

    To get away from everyone, to get away from Cameron, I sprinted towards the girls restroom, and stood at a nearby corner.

     Not long after I started to wipe my tears away, I heard footsteps coming around the corner. Ducking down, trying my best to stay hidden, didn't work in my favor because when I looked up Aiden was standing in front of me.
      I felt so stupid, so pathetic. I watched every girl get ran through by Cameron and I still decided to be one of them. Aiden even tried to tell me so. Why didn't I just listen to him, Why did I have to be such a stubborn bitch.
   "You don't have to say anything, I know you tried to warn me." I was so ashamed. I knew I didn't have to be ashamed around Aiden though, because he would never judge me. But getting proved wrong by someone after you continuously denied the truth, makes the feeling of embarrassment 10 times worse.
"I didn't come here to say I told you so, I came to apologize." Guilt was evident in his eyes.
"You don't need to apologize, I don't want anyone's pity." I've had enough of everyone's pity these last couple of years.
"No, I'm really sorry. It's my fault the picture got out." He took a step closer, when he noticed me getting ready to lift myself up from the wall, about to take my hand to help me up.
"No, don't touch me!" Out of all people, why would Aiden want to embarrass me like that. My best friend.
"Why?" I asked, genuinely confused.
"I don't know, I fucked up okay." Yea, this wasn't the first time someone told me they fucked up.
"I just wanted to show you what kind of mess you were getting yourself into." Could he seriously be any more stupid.
"And this is how you chose to tell me, by embarrassing me in front of the whole school?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, yea I didn't want to listen to what he was trying to get me to understand before, but that didn't give him the right to make my toxic relationship public.
"You could have shown me that picture in private Aiden, you didn't have to shout it from the rooftops, oh wait you didn't shout it from the rooftops because you were too pussy," He was taken aback by my sudden change of mood towards him.
"Are you really so much of coward that you had to get Jason to do it instead of coming to me like a friend should?" The tears started to force their way out all over again. I was tired of being the victim, tired of being treated like shit.
"Rider-" I didn't want to hear another apology for the rest of my life.
"Save it, don't ever talk to me again." I wiped the remainder of my tears, grabbed my bag, and headed straight down the hall.

     "Rider, babe. Are you listening to me, I said that I was sorry."I snapped out of my thoughts. I had forgot that I was still talking to my ex boyfriend. My eyes were still glued to Aiden.
"Bab-." I cut him off mid sentence.
"Listen dip shit, listen clearly." My gaze made its way back to the tall, broad shouldered, cheater standing in front of me.
"I am not your baby anymore, got it?" I poked my finger at his chest, making him stumble backwards a little.
"I don't ever wanna hear from you again. Don't call me, don't text me, and don't show up at my fucking house again." Feeling satisfied with my confrontation, I turned and walked away from him. Hopefully he'd get the message this time and stay the hell away from me.

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