6.Let the games begin

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Aiden's pov~

      I tiptoed across the black and red tiled floor with my head down. I glanced over at Rider, doing the same thing. We had just snuck inside the restaurant Cam and the other players were eating at, and we had to go as unnoticed as possible. I felt like swiper the Fox sneaking up on Dora and boots for one of their most prized possessions. This wasn't a prized possession type of mission though. This was a revenge mission. Revenge for what he did to Rider. When she first told me what she wanted to do I didn't think much of it. Rider knew that if she wanted me to steal the moon from the sky and replace it with an onion, I'd do it. Besides, I wanted revenge for myself as well.

Yea I said it. Revenge for myself. Rider's pain was my pain, so whatever he did to her, he did to me. Aside from that though, Cameron and I had a little history ourselves actually, but that's a story for another time.

        After I explained the prank to Rider, we wasted no time putting it into action. Now here we were, creeping across the diner, looking like we were trying to assassinate someone. My job was to sneak up to Cameron's table and figure out his order, after that I would take it up to Rider at the front of the bar and she would make a slight change , which would be asking the cooks to put a discreet amount of eggs inside whatever he was eating.

       I quickly ducked behind a booth right behind Cameron's back. I ignored the numerous amount of odd looks I encountered from the other customers enjoying their meals. I took another look across Jodi's Burger Joint at Rider, she was tapping her fingers on the counter lightly, patiently waiting for me to return with the order.

     "Hey man lets play a game." I heard Jake, the point guard on the team say.
"I don't have time for one of your many games J, every time I decide to play, I instantly regret it." Cameron replied, shaking his head.
"Bro don't be a lame, it'll be fun. I just wanna ask one question, there is one condition though." Cameron let out a sigh. I knew why he did it, I too had been a victim to one of Jakes many "question games".
He'd always ask some of the most personal and embarrassing questions, sometimes they would even ruin your reputation.

      "Alright man, just get it over with" Cameron said
"I can't believe I'm doing this again." I listened intently, I kinda already had a feeling about where this game was going.
"So tell me my dear buddy Cameron," Jake stated with a devilish smirk on his face.
"Be completely hon-"
"Dude just hurry up before I change my mind, shit." Cameron groaned impatiently.

      "Alright, alright. Chill man."
This guy was still running his mouth, I wish he'd just asked the damn question for fucks sake.
"So, out of Rider and Mikayla who was the, you know, 'best'? He asked, putting emphasis on the word best.
"Do you mean like best best, as in best in bed best?" Cameron asked raising his eyebrows.
"Mhm-hmm" Jake answered nodding his head.
"Nope I'm not answering that, you are not getting me in this bullshit again."
"Come on bro don't be a chicken." Jake sung and after that, all the other players at the table started chanting chicken, they knew that it would make Cameron answer the question.

      "Fine! The best one was Rider of course." He looked around for a second. "And where the fuck is my burger? They're taking forever." Bingo. I found what I was looking for, but I just had to eves drop a little more, once I heard the answer to the question Jake asked.

"Nah man, you're not off the hook that easy. Aren't you gonna tell us how it went?" Mike asked, another player on the team.
"Uhh sure," He paused, deep in thought.
"It was the night of Cynthia Green's party, junior year. She took me upstairs to a room, and she went crazy. I tried to calm her down but she's a wild one, every time I pushed her away, she just kept trying to ride the Mustang, so I let her do it."

     I felt the sudden urge to barf. He was lying, I knew Rider didn't give her virginity to that prick. She wouldn't, would she? If she did I couldn't even lie, I would be hurt. Not because she gave it up, but because she gave it to him and it wasn't even worth it. I couldn't listen anymore, I got up from under the booth, and tiptoed back to Rider at the front counter.

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