5.Lets play

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Riders Pov~

      Three. Two. One. I counted the seconds, as I watched the ball glide to the other side of the court.
Me and a bunch of other teens at the game eyed the basketball as it hovered above the rim.
   This was the first game of the season, and if it weren't for Aiden being on the team, I wouldn't have showed up. After dinner at my place, after I decided to forgive him, he took that as a chance to ask if I would come see him play. I happily obliged of course, since we were on good terms now, and I was actually enjoying myself to say the least.

I looked around and noticed that everyone was cheering. I guess we made the buzzer beater, but the person who I hoped would make the game winning shot, was not the one being glorified.
All the students had ran onto the court and had Cameron hoisted up on their shoulders.
I stepped off the bleachers and walked towards the locker room to congratulate Aiden on the win. When he saw me approach him, his face lit up.

     "Good game." I said, trying to sound unimpressed. He studied me for a moment before replying.
"Thanks-" He was cut off abruptly by Cameron's entrance.
"Don't you think I'm the one you should be congratulating," He boasted.
"I mean I did make the winning shot after all." This guy just couldn't take a hint.

     "What do you want Cam," I uttered.
"Shouldn't you be with Mikayla?" He was taken aback by my question, but he quickly regained his composure.

     "Look, I didn't come here to start problems, a few of us are going out to celebrate and you two are invited if you wanna go." His invitation seemed unfeigned, but you never knew with Cameron, he always had something up his sleeve. The fact that he didn't like Aiden that much, but still decided to invite him, made his intentions much more suspicious.

    "Thanks man, but no thanks, I'm not sure I wanna chill with you and the team tonight." Aiden declined. I wasn't surprised though because he was never one to sugarcoat how he felt about something or someone for that matter.

"Cool. What about you Rider?" He asked with such certainty that I wasn't going to repudiate his offer.
"Nope, I'm good." I chanted calmly. This was my opportunity to enjoy life without certain people who I once associated myself with, and I refused to be sucked back in by pernicious people.
"Well then, if you change your mind, we're at Jodi's burger joint."
"We won't!" I called out after him when he turned to leave.

"So why don't you wanna go?" Aiden questioned, eyes filled with wonder.
"I was thinking maybe we could hang tonight," I didn't know what I wanted to do with him, but I knew I wanted to have fun.
"Let's go take a walk." I suggested, I thought a walk would be a great way for us to catch up.
He smiled. "Yea, a walk sounds nice. Let me go freshen up and I'll meet you in the front of the school." With that he was off.

I waited outside for about 20 minutes before I saw him exit the double doors.
"Sorry it took so long. I had to talk to coach." He stated in a rueful manner.
"It's ok, you ready to go?" I asked, making sure that he handled all of his business.
"Yea, where are we walking to exactly?" Aiden stared at me intriguingly.
"I'm not sure, let's just walk."
"Oh spontaneous are we? I like it." When the words left his mouth I felt pleased with myself. Being spontaneous was a sign that I was slowly transforming back into the old me. The real me.

A little after we started our journey, neither of us spoke. We just enjoyed the comfortable silence that surrounded us. I waited until Aiden talked first.

"So how's life?" He asked. I could tell he didn't know what to say either because that question was as basic as any question could possibly be.

"It's going, nothing special," Life definitely wasn't going, if anything it was falling apart, but I didn't wanna burden him with my problems, especially since we only just rekindled our friendship.
"And yours?" I repeated his question.
I knew he would answer truthfully. Unlike me, Aiden was very outspoken and whatever he felt he would share.

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