7.Temptation Vs Reality

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   Angela's pov~

   His lips trailed down the crease of my back. The sensation of his warm tongue making my entire body shiver. I knew this was wrong, but I just couldn't help myself. From the moment I met him, he gave me something that Elijah could never offer. He gave me excitement, he gave me adventure, and he gave me pleasure. Don't get me wrong, I loved Elijah with all of my heart, how could I not when he gave me the love of my life: my son.
Aiden was the only thing that was making me consider ending this affair, but every time I started to do so, he reeled me back in.
I texted him earlier that day saying that we needed to talk, and he responded with a "ok, how about my place at 8." I agreed with the time, my intentions clear. I was going to go to his house, end this affair, and leave with no regrets.
When I made it to his place, I instantly knew that I wasn't going to do what I came to. I was already in his trap before I had a chance to escape. The tantalizing aroma of seared salmon filled the air, my favorite meal. I knew exactly what he was trying to do.
I stood at the door for a while, contemplating if I wanted to do this or not. Before I came to a conclusion, he came around the corner.
"Don't be shy, let me take your coat." His fingers brushed over my shoulders as he removed the clothing item from my body.
"I'm not shy," I stated simply. "When I asked if we could talk, this isn't what I had in mind." He hung the coat on the rack and turned to face me.

"Well, it's what I had in mind, what's wrong with talking over a nice dinner?" He looked so innocent, and that's what got me every time. His smooth caramel skin, his dark aura, everything about him screamed sex. I couldn't find the words to answer his question, so I just nodded my head and followed him to the dining area.

He pulled my chair out, as I lowered my body slowly to take a seat. We both stared at each other for a moment, not letting anything we had to say ruin that. Or at least anything I had to say. I looked down at the table, avoiding eye contact with him. He had this effect on me every time I saw him. I didn't know why though, he'd seen me in every way possible already.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked, his eyes were already on mine before I even decided to look at him. Just by my nervousness, I could tell he knew that I was right where he wanted me.
I cleared my throat before speaking, I couldn't let him hear the anxiousness in my voice.
"We need to lay down some things," I tried to sound as serious as possible.
"We can't do this anymore," I motioned my hand between us for emphasis.
"I'm hurting my family, and I can see it in my sons eyes when he looks at me. He knows, I know he does." He didn't respond, he just stared at me blankly. I couldn't pinpoint what was going through his head so I continued.

"Before Aiden gets the chance to tell Elijah about us, I want it to end, that way I'll have a better chance at redeeming myself." His reaction surprised me, all I heard was hysterical laughter. This asshole really took me as a joke.
"I don't get what's so funny, please enlighten me." He was making this decision a lot easier than I expected.
"Come on Angela, you cant be this stupid," he relaxed his head in his hands, as if I was stressing him out.
"You're pregnant for fucks sake, do you really think he'll take you back after that?" His words cut through me, deeper than any other sharp object could ever go.

I hadn't really thought about the baby that much, until he brought it up. What was I going to do once I started showing? Lie and tell Elijah he had a son, and Aiden a brother. I mean shit, I lied this far, another one wouldn't hurt. But then, another realization dawned on me, I was cheating with a black man, there was no way I could hide that from my husband. I felt so ashamed and pathetic, how could I let things spiral out of control like this? I was doing just fine before he came along. 'No you weren't idiot,' my conscience argued. 'If you were, you wouldn't be here with him now.' His deep voice pulled me from my thoughts.

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