16. Truth Hurts

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Rider's Pov~

"I really like this one." My mom admired the champagne-colored dress in the full-body mirror. We were standing near the dressing rooms in one of our favorite boutiques. We haven't caught up in a while and figured this would be the best way to do so.

"Maybe I can wear it when Noah takes me out again." I gave her a smug grin. She was finally starting to look happy again. Despite everything my mother's been through, she didn't let that stop her from experiencing all the things she didn't get to in the past. From her getting to put her degree to use and excel at work to her meeting a guy who made her smile. Genuinely smile. Not just for the pleasure of the public eye.

"Well, it seems like someone enjoyed themselves on the first date." I cooed. Part of me felt bad for not asking her about the date sooner. I was so caught up in the operation of separating Angela and my dad, that I neglected my mom in the process. I still hadn't told her about the news and I didn't know if I would. Taking the previous advice I gave Aiden made me realize that telling my mom would only shift her newfound happiness.

"Of course I did," She responded as she placed the dress on a hook within reach and faced me. "He took me on a picnic and we saw a light show and there was a lake. Oh Rider it was everything!" She gushed. Her eyes glistened with admiration.

"I'm glad. You deserve a night with no surprises." I stated, holding a black strapless top to my chest while eyeing myself in the mirror.

"Well there was one thing..." I spun around quickly, the top slipping from my grasp with ease.

"What? Spit it out." I urged, not caring to suppress my eagerness.

"Your dad was there, but he wasn't alone. He was with Angela..." I couldn't stop my eyes from bulging out of my head or my jaw from scrubbing the ground.

"What! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I didn't want to hurt you." She replied.

"Mom... I already knew."

"You did?! So why the hell didn't you tell me?" She didn't sound hurt but she was certainly caught off guard.

"I don't know. I didn't wanna hurt you!" I countered. After hearing our responses, I couldn't suppress the laughter that escaped my lips effortlessly. All this time I've been trying to protect her from my dad's new relationship and she was doing the same thing for me. But why?

"I don't understand what's so funny Ashanti. What were you trying to protect me from?" Although my mother was serious, I still couldn't keep from chuckling. That was a really good question. If my mother was seeing someone else, and she was truly enjoying his company, why would my dad seeing someone new matter to her?

" Well, this was before you met Noah. I guess I just assumed you weren't ready to see Dad move on. Everything was happening so fast." The more I talked, the more it dawned on me that I was just trying to protect myself. It was too fast for me. The way my dad walked out so abruptly and moved on in the same manner, made me believe it was something he wanted to do long before he decided.

"Sweetheart.." From the pity in her eyes, It was clear the laughter I expressed earlier, was not present now.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked again. Serious this time.

"Well first of all you're still healing from the loss of your brother, and then your dad decides to walk out shortly after. I don't think there's a decent way to say 'Hey your dad's seeing someone else and he seems happier than he ever did here with us.' Shall I continue?" She challenged, brows raised and perfectly arched. If the statement she made hurt her in the slightest, she hid it well.

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